Madhya Pradesh
State Environment Impact Assessment Authority
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Application Status    
Application Status of Environmental Impact Assessment as on Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Current Status of Cases Received By SEIAA (Case Nos.1-300)
S.No Case No. Name of Project Proposal (PP) Type of Activity Date of Receipt by SEIAA Date of dispatch to SEAC Current Status Compliance Report Status
1 1/2008 8(a) Gurjeet Singh Chabra- Indore M.P. Ria Hotel, Plot No.12 C,Ring Road 19/02/2008 28-02-08 EC issued Letter No. 181/epco/seiaa dt. 08-10-08  
2 2/2008 8(a) Century 21 Town Planners Pvt. Ltd Mall, PlotNo.94, A.B.Road 19/02/2008 28-02-08 EC issued Letter No. 176/epco/seiaa dt. 08-10-08  
3 3/2008 8(a) M P Entertainment & Developers Pvt Ltd   Mega Mall, Plot No 299 A.B.Road 01/02/2008 28-02-08 EC issued Letter No. 178/epco/seiaa dt. 08-10-08 Compliance report received on 17-09-19.
4 4/2008 1(d) Seoni Renewable Energy Pvt Ltd 10 MW Biomass power plant, Seoni 07/03/2008 10-03-08 Case closed vide letter no. 1186/SEIAA/12 dtd. 28-09-12  
5 5/2008 1(a) Radheshyam Somchand Gupta, Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P.   Mines  8 Ha. Dolomite 13/03/2008 17-03-08 Rejected by letter no. 118/epco/seiaa dt. 26/08/08  
6 6/20081(a) Agrawal Mineral Process, Chhindwara M.P. Mines 5 Ha.Village-Gwani-wodona Teh-Sausar, Distt-Chhindwara 18/03/2008 01/EPCO/SEIAA EC issued Letter no. 140-141/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26-05-10  
7 7/20081(a) J K. Minerals Balaghat M.P. Mines 5-26 Ha. Village-Katang Jhari Waraseoni, Balaghat 18/03/2008 24-03-08
EC issued 375/epco-seiaaa dt 30/03/09 Compliance report for the year 2018-19, 2019-20 received by email on 24-06-19. Compliance report received on 14-02-20. Compliance report received on 28-07-20. Compliance report for the period 2020-21 received on 25-02-21. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 02-07-21. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 06-08-21.
8 8/20081(a) Shakambhari Mines and Minerals, Kamtee-Distt, Nagpur M.P. Mines 6.607 Ha.Gowari-WodonaSonsar, Chhindwara 18/03/2008 24-03-08
EC issued 10-11/epco-seiaaa dt 08/04/09  
9 9/20081(a) M/s K L Agrawal, Satna M.P. Mines 15-30 Ha.Khomarha, Amarpatan, Satna 27/03/2008 28-03-08

EC issued vide letter no. 1268/SEIAA/12 dtd. 09-10- 12.

PP invited for clarification decided in 513 SEIAA meeting dated 13-12-18. Query in 519 SEIAA meeting dated 11-01-19. Letter no. 2040/SEIAA/19 dated 18-01-19 to PP - request to submit the certified compliance report by RO, MoEF&CC, GoI/ RO, MPPCB so that further action can be taken. Letter no. 1782/SEIAA/19 dated 29-07-19 to PP - request to submit the certified compliance report by RO, MoEF&CC, GoI/ RO, MPPCB so that further action can be taken.

Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 2018 and January to June 2019 received by email on 06-07- 2019. Certified by RO, Satna compliance report received on 04-09-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19, June 20 received on 25-08-20.Compliance report received on 29-12-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20, June 21 received on 06-08-21. Compliance report for the period ofDec. 21, June 22 received by email on 30-08-22.
10 10/2008 1(a) Balasore Alloys Ltd, Balaghat M.P. Mines 17-01 Ha. Village-Hathoda Teh- Katangi Distt.Balaghat 27/03/2008 28-03-08
EC issued 163-164/epco-seiaaa dt 29/07/09 PP vide letter dated 22-07-19 informed that mining activity was stopped on 01-06-2010, since no further presence of ore was proved. The mining activities is under suspension till date.
11 11/2008 1(a) Shri Mahesh Prasad Agrawal, Prabhat Vihar Colony, Panna Naka, District-Satna (485004) Mines 42.533 Ha. Koldiha, Amarpatan, Satna 31/03/2008 28-03-08

EC Issued vide letter no. 1179-80/SEIAA/13 date 10-07-13.

Letter no. 1548/SEIAA/21 dated 27-07-21 regarding extension of validity of EC.

Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 2018 and January to June 2019 received by email on 06-07-2019. Letter no. 1776-77/SEIAA/19 dated 29-07-19 to PP - request to submit authentic half yearly compliance report within 15 days from the date of issue of this letter. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19 received on 19-08-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19, June 20 received on 25-08-20.Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 05-11-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20, June 21 received on 06-08-21. Compliance report for the period ofDec. 21, June 22 received by email on 30-08-22.
12 12/2008 8(a) PGH International Pvt Ltd Shopping Mall cum multiplex Raslakhedi,  Bhopal 31/03/2008 02-04-08
EC issued 58-59/epco/seiaa dt 27-05-09 Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19 received on 03-08-19. Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 13-08-20. Compliance report for the period of June 22 received by email on dated 29-10-22.
13 13/2008 8(b) DLF Ltd Indore M P Integrated Township at village Sulakhedi and Mundla Bagh Teh. Sanwer, Distt. Indore M.P. 31/03/2008 02-04-08

EC issued letter no. 352-353 dtd 01-09-10


Compliance report as on 27-11-2017 received on 06-07-2018. Compliance report as on 20-05-2018 received on 06-07-2018. Compliance report as on 31-05-2010 received on 23-07-2020. Compliance report as on 30- 11-20 received on 24-12-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on dated 23-02-22. Compliance report for the period of June 22 received by email on 15-07-22.
14 14/2008 8(a) Assotech CP Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. Nodia. U.P. Housing Project, Village Dungarpur,   Gwalior M.P.   01/04/2008 02-04-08
EC issued by letter no. 287- 88/epco/mpseiaa/09 dt. 23/01/09  
15 15/2008 8(a) The Grenadiers Regimental center Jabalpur M.P. Provn--- ACCN in KLP ph-I at GRG-,Jabalpur, M.P.   03/04/2008 08-04-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 126/epco/seiaa dt. 01/09/08  
16 16/2008 5(f) Teva API India Ltd, Nodia U.P. Drug plant at Malanpur Bind M.P. 04/04/2008 15-04-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 307/epco/seiaa dt. 11/02/09  
17 17/2008 3(a) Krishna Iron & Metal Industries, Gwalior M.P. Krishna Iron & Metal Industries Plot No. 19, Balaghat Industrial Area, Jhansi Road , Gwalior , M.P.   08/04/2008 10-04-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 75-6/epco/seiaa dt. 06/06/09  
18 18/2008 8(a) Rakesh Lila, Dharmendralila & others , E-4/132, Area Colony , Bhopal M.P. Kanha Mall, Multiplex and Kanha Tower at Bag Sewania, Bhopal M.P.   08/04/2008 11-04-08

EC Issued via 245/epco/seiaa dt. 16/12/08


Compliance report received on 03-06-19. Compliance report received on 29-11-19. Compliance report received on 30-05-20. Compliance report received on 24-11-20. Compliance report received on 31-05-21. Compliance report received on 06-12-21.
19 19/2008 1(d) Western Indus Power & Mining Co. Pvt .Ltd, A-23, Defense colony, New Delhi 400. MW Coal bed methane (CBM) based power plant at Shahdol M.P.   09/04/2008 11-04-08
Rejected by Letter no. 120/epco/seiaa dt. 27/08/08  
20 20/2008 1(d) Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd CTO Building, Block-1, Chennai Coal based thermal power project 1000 MW in Singrauli area Sidhi, M.P. 09/04/2008 11-04-08
Transfered to vide MoEF letter no. 71 dt 10/06/08    
21 21/2008 1(a) Jai Mata di Marbles, Gathora Marble Mine 9.10 h at village Gathora Tehsil- Sihora,  Jabalpur M.P. 09/04/2008 11-04-08 
EC Issued via 1265-66/epco/seiaa dt. 07/03/12  
22 22/2008 1(a) M/s Jai Minerals, Sindursi Laterite and Haematite Mine, Village-Sindursi Tehsil-Sihora, Distt.-Jabalpur (M.P.) Sindursi Laterite and Haematite mine 9.0 ha.. at village, Sindursi Tehsil, Sihora Distt. Jabalpur M.P.   09/04/2008 11-04-08

Case delisted vide letter no. 6189-90/SEIAA/15 date 12-10-15

Case relisted and send to SEAC for appraisal in 592 SEIAA meeting dated 30-12-19. Case relisted and send to SEAC for appraisal vide letter no. 3900- 01/SEIAA/2020 dated 10-01-2020. EC recommended in 419 SEAC meeting dated 24-01-20. PP may be invited for presentation decided in 599 SEIAA meeting dated 22-02-20. EC granted in 605 SEIAA meeting dated 07-03-2020. EC issued vide letter no. 5193- 94/SEIAA/20 dated 12-03-20. EC Transfer recommended in 838 SEIAA meeting dated 12-03-2024. EC Transfer recommended in 846 SEIAA meeting dated 25-04-2024. EC transferred vide letter no. 754-55 dated 16-05-24.

23 23/2008 1(a) N M Dubash stone and lime Co, Pvt Ltd, Bistara lime stone and Dolomite mine 17.07 ha. at village Bistara Tehsil- Vijay Raghogarh Distt. Katni. M.P   09/04/2008 11-04-08
EC issued 596-596 dtd. 24-07-12  
24 24/2008 1(a) M/s Piparitola Laterite Mine C/o Shri Sharad Kumar Bansal, P.O Jaitwara, DisttĀ¬ - Satna M.P. PinĀ¬ - 485221 Laterite mine 23-223 h at village Piparitola Teh-Raghuraj Nagar, Satna M.P.     09/04/2008 11-04-08
EC issued 170-171/epco-seiaaa dt 29/07/09 Compliance report for the period of June 10, Dec. 10, June 11, December 11, December 12, December 13, December 15, June 16, June 18, December 18, June 19 received on 25-07-19. Compliance report for the period of June 12, June 13, June 14, Dec. 14, June 15, Dec. 16, June 17, Dec. 17 received on 23-11-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 02-07-20. Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 22-10-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20, June 21 received on 06-09-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on 11-12-21.
25 25/2008 1(a) Ashok Kumar Dubey Badari lime stone mine10.246 ha  Teh- Vijay raghogarh, Distt.Katni   09/04/2008 11-04-08
EC issued 376/epco- seiaaa dt 30/03/09 Compliance report for the period Nov. 13, May 14, Dec. 14, June 15, Dec. 15, June 16, Dec. 16, May 17, Dec. 17, June 18, Dec. 18, and May 19 received on 12- 07-19. Compliance report for the period of May 21 received on 18-06-21. Compliance report for the period of Nov. 21 received on 17-1-22. Compliance report for the period of June 22 received by email on dated 25-08-22.
26 26/2008 1(a) Anupam Marbles, Pvt. Ltd Karipathar, Distt. Katni. M.P. 09/04/2008 11-04-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 82-83/epco/seiaa dt. 11/06/09 Amendment in EC  
27 27/2008 1(a) M.P Lime works Jabalpur Mining lease area 10.60 h Mining of Dolomite 6707 ton. Seoni, Distt. Jabalpur , M.P   09/04/2008 11-0408
 TOR Issued EC recommended in 44 SEAC meeting dated: 23/12/09. Case discussed in 29th SEIAA meeting dtd. 06-02-10. Reminder letter sent to DFO on 01-08-11 for additional information. No further action is to be taken as per PP letter dtd. 18-08-11 as the case in Hon'ble High Court. Case close in 424 SEIAA meeting dated 27-04-17. Case closed vide letter no. 437-38/SEIAA/17 dated 15-05-17.  
28 28/2008 1(a) M.P. Fire clay industries Jabalpur Fire clay mine 10.926 h at Village Bagraj Teh-Kundam, Jabalpur M.P..   09/04/2008 11-04-08
EC issued letter no. 368-369/epco/mpseiaa dt 16-12-09  
29 29/2008 1(a) M/s S.S. Enterprises 40 APR Society.Katanga Jabalpur Mining lease area 33.44 h mining of Iron, Manganese, Laterite and Ochre at Jabalpur M.P.   09/04/2008 11-04-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 155-156/epco/seiaa dt. 27-07-09  
30 30/2008 1(a) Ram Kishen Asawa, B/61, Ratan nagar, Jabalpur M.P. Mining lease area 8.00 ha. Distt. Jabalpur M.P.   09/04/2008 11-04-08
Case rejected. Letter sent to PP on 06-07-11.  
31 31/2008 1(a) Ainthkheda Dolomite and Sopa stone opposite Ekta Parisar, Madan Mahal Jabalpur M.P.   Mine  Dolomite and Sopa stone mine 6.191 ha. at Jabalpur M.P. 09/04/2008 11-0408
E.C. issued Letter No. 153-154/epco/seiaa dt. 27-07-09  
32 32/2008 1(d) S.R. Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd, Plot No.102, Shyamcharas Vihar,Sarojini Devi Road, Secundrabad   10 MW Biomass based power plant in Dhamnod, Distt. Ratlam M.P.  09/04/2008 11-04-08
Rejected by letter no. 332-333/epco/mpseiaa dt 25-11-09  
33 33/2008 1(a) Radheshyam Somchand Gupta, Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P. Mining 09/04/2008 15-04-08
Duplication of case No. 05/08.  
34 34/2008 1(d) Hema Shri, Agro Projects Ltd, Hydrabad 20 mw Biomass based power plant 5.829 ha. village Magrora Teh. Dabra,  Gwalior M.P.   11/04/2008 15-04-08
EC issued letter no. 350-351 dtd 01-09-10  
35 35/2008 1(d) Bhanu Prakahs Power Projects Pvt Ltd Hydrabad 10  mw Biomass based power plant village Majhguan Teh- Garha Kota, Sagar M.P. 11/04/2008 15-04-08
Case withdrawn by Letter no. 41-42 dt 22-02-2010  
36 36/2008 1(d) Bhanu Prakahs Power Projects Pvt Ltd Hydrabad 10  mw Biomass based power plant village Chondo Teh- Karera, Shivpuri M.P. 11/04/2008 15-04-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1233-34/SEIAA/12 dtd. 04-10-12.  
37 37/2008 1(a) Gajraj Singh, Gandhigram, Sehora, Jabalpur Laterite, iron ore, manganese ore and yellow orchre mine in 5.80 ha at village Gandhigram Teh. Sihora Distt.Jabalpur   15/04/08 16-04-08

EC issued 12-13/epco-seiaaa dt 08/04/09. PP applied for expansion under case no. 5667/18. EC Transfer recommended in 838 SEIAA meeting dated 12-03-2024. EC transferred vide letter no. 3410-11 dated 26-03-24.

38 38/2008 1(a) Shankar Lal Vishwakarma, Jalpadevi ward, Gautam Mohalla, Katni M.P. Fire Clay mines in 17.33 ha. at village Tikariya, Teh. Murwara Distt. Katni M.P.   16/04/08 23-04-08
EC issued Letter no. 122-123/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26-05-10 Compliance report received on 24-06-21.
39 39/2008 1(a) Puranlal Vishwakarma, Katni M.P. Bauxite, Laterite, fine clay mine in 12.97 ha. at Village Thakra, Katni M.P.   16/04/08 23-04-08
 EC issued Letter no. 124-125/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26-05-10 Compliance report received on 12-07-19. Compliance report received on 26-12-19. Compliance report received by email on dated 30-12-21.
40 40/2008 8(a) Prabhatam Infrastructure Ltd Rastriya tower 38, Rewa.-Jhansi Road,New Delhi Group housing cum commercial complex at Khasra No.43811, 484, 485, 486, 488, 490 of Khajuri kalan and Khasra No.156 Khasra 156 KA of village Hataikherea,Raisen Road, Bhopal M.P. 21/04/08   24-04-08
Rejected by letter no. 306-307 dtd 11-08-10
Letter sent to PP vide 560 dt 17-10-11.
41 41/2008 8(a) Bhilai Entertainment world developers Pvt Ltd., Bhilai M.P. Mall cum Hotel project 19700 sq.m at opp.Surya Vihar, Junwari, Bhilai M.P.   21/04/07 24-04-08
The application related of Chhatishgarh's Govt. The case returned to Chhatisgarh Govt. vide letter No. 45 dt 08/05/08    
42 42/2008 8(b) Tricone projects India Pvt Ltd Tribhavan complex, Ishwar Nagar,New Delhi Tricane city 150 acres Near Datoda, Indore M.P. 21/04/08 24-04-08
Case withdrawn by PP. Accepted by letter no. 346/epco/seiaa dtd. 12-3-09  
43 43/2008 8(a) Bright star infrastructure Pvt Ltd. Sarshtuboganj, Indore M.P.   Residentail Township at Jatkhedi,Bhopal M.P. 21/04/08 24-04-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 51-52/epco/ seiaa dt. 28/04/10  
44 44/2008 8(a) M/s Parsvnath Developers Ltd, New Delhi Residential Township Parsvnath City " phase-I at village Raukhedi Teh. Sanwer, Distt. Indore ,Jatkhedi Bhopal M.P.   21/04/08 24-04-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1248-49/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
45 45/2008 8(a) Girja Colonizers, Janendraganj, Gwalior M.P. Mall multiplexes MPSRTC workshop, Race course Road, Gwalior M.P.   21/04/08 24-04-08
EC issued vide letter no. 1075-76/SEIAA/13 date 25-06-13 Corrigendum Letter Transfer of EC issued vide letter no. 207-08 dated 21-04-23.  
46 46/2008 1(a) Harisin minerals supply company,
Jaitwara, Satna M.P.
Bachacha ochre mine of M/s Harris mineral supply Co. village Bachacha Teh. Manpur Distt.Umaria M.P.   21/04/08 29-04-08
Case close vide letter no. 776/SEIAA/13 date 27-05-13  
47 47/2008 1(a) Vinod Kumar Agrawal Civil line,
  Mandla M.P.
Dolomite mines 6.81 ha. village Kakaiya Teh. Bichhiya Distt. Mandla M.P.   24/04/08 29-04-08
EC issued vide letter no. 154-55/EPCO-SEIAA dtd. 27-04- 12. Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 2016 received on 31-01-17. Compliance report for the period of January to June and July to Dec. 2018 received by email on 07-07-2019. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19 received on 22-08-19. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 22-07-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on dated 15-04-22.
48 48/2008 1(a) Aruna Dolomite mines civil line,
Tilak ward, Mandla M.P.
Dolomite mine 6.60 ha. village Bhawartal Teh. Prichhiya, Distt. Mandla M.P.   24/04/08 29-04-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 189-190/epco/ seiaa dt.05/05/12 Compliance report received on 09-07-19.
49 49/2008 1(a) Yogesh Kumar Paliwal village-
Jujhawal Teh. Bhoriband Distt. Katni 30, New ACC, Colony,
Katni M.P.  
7.09 ha. mines village, Jujhawal Teh. Bahoriband Distt.Katni, M.P.   25/04/08 29-04-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 80-81/epco/ seiaa dt. 11/06/09 Corrigendum Letter  
50 50/2008 1(a) Kunjilal Iswari Prasad Agrawal,
Jaitwara , Satna M.P.
Khomraha white clay, ochre and Laterite mines village, Khomraha Teh. Amarpatan Distt.Satna M.P.   28/04/08 29-04-08
Rejected by Letter no. 160/epco/seiaa dt. 03-10-08  
51 51/2008 1(a) J.K. Minerals, Main Road,
Balaghat M.P.
Katangjhari Manganese ore mines 5.26 ha. village Katanghiri Teh. Waraseoni, Distt.Balaghat M.P 28/04/08 29-04-08
Repeated case of no.  
52 52/2008 1(d) M/s Shalivahana projects Ltd P.O.
Box No. 1582 7th Floor, mineral complex, SD Road,
Secunderabad, A.P.  
10 MW -Biomass power project at Bhancedi Distt. Chhindwara M.P. 28/04/08 02-05-08
Rejected by Letter no. 253/epco/seiaa dt. 16/12/08  
53 53/2008 2(b) Director, Rio Tinto exploration, India Ltd, 2nd Floor DLF centre,
Sansadmarg, New Delhi
Mineral Beneficiation plant for Kimber lite,  Distt. Chhatarpur M.P.   28/04/08 02-05-08
EC issued Letter No. 213/epco/seiaa dt. 22-11-08  
54 54/2008 1(a) M/s Savitri Minerals Pathak ward,
Katni M.P.
Laterite and Bauxite mine 8.094 ha. at Village Tikaria, M.P. 01/05/08 02-05-08
EC issued Letter No. No: 1217-1218 / EPCOSEIAA
Date: 05.03.2012
Compliance report for the period of Dec. 18, June 19 received on 12-08-21.
55 55/2008 8(a) 21st century (P) Ltd village- Misrod, Teh- Huzur Distt. Bhopal M.P.   Shopping Mall of 21st century at Village-Misrod, Teh-Huzur, Distt. Bhopal M.P. 01/05/08 02-05-08
EC issued Letter No. 301-302/epco/seiaa dt. 31-10-09  
56 56/2008 8(a) PGH International (P) Ltd, Village- Raslakhedi, Gandhi Nagar  Bypass Road , Bhopal M.P. Shopping Mall of PGH international (P) Ltd at Village- Raslakhedi, Gandhi Nagar  Bypass Road Bhopal M.P.   01/05/08 02-05-08
EC issued 58-59/epco/seiaa dt 27-05-09 Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19 received on 03-08-19.
57 57/2008 1(a) Ranjan Grover, Civil Line, Katni
Lime stone and Dolomite mine 19.360 ha. at Village- Ametha Teh- Vijay Raghavgarh, Katni M.P.   01/05/08 02-05-08

EC issued 152-153 /epco/seiaa dt 03-06-11


Compliance report for the period of June 2016 to December 2018 received on 28-03-19. Compliance report for the period of June 2019 received on 25-06-19. Certificate of Compliance from MoEF&CC received on 11-09-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19, June 20 received on 28-11- 20.
58 58/2008 1(a) M/s Kunjilal Ishwari Prasad
Agrawal,P O- Jaitwara,
Satna M.P.
Bauxite, orchre, white clay and laterite mines 45.892 ha. Village- Koldiha No.2, Teh- New Ram Nagar, Satna M.P.   01/05/08 02-05-08
Rejected by Letter no. 160/epco/seiaa dt. 03-10-08  
59 59/2008 1(a) Agrawal Mineral process, Nagpur
Road , Chhindwara M.P.
Manganese ore mine 5.00 ha. Gwari-wadhana, Teh-Sausar, Distt-Chhindwara M.P.   01/05/08 02-05-08
TOR Issued Repeated case of no. E.C Issued in 28 meeting dt-11/6/09 as the case is already registed as case no.-06/2008  
60 60/2008 1(a) Ganesh Vishwakarma, Jalpadevi Ward, Gautam Maholla, Katni M.P. Bauxite, Laterite, fireclay and yellow ochre mines, 27-35 ha. Village –Tikariya, Teh-Murwara Distt.Katni M.P.   01/05/08 02-05-08
EC issued Letter no. 120-121/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26-05-10 Compliance report received on 12-07-19. Compliance report received on 26-12-19. Compliance report received on 24-06-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on dated 30-12-21. Compliance report for the period of June 20 received by email on dated 01-07-22.
61 61/2008 1(a) Bhatgawan sunehra limestone &
Dolomite mine, Mission chawk,
Katni M.P.
Limestone & dolomite mines 9-35 ha. Murwada Katni, M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08

EC issued vide letter no. 1265-66/SEIAA/12 dtd. 09-10-12.

Certified compliance report from MoEF&CC received on 12-07-19 for expansion case with new case no. 5513.

Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 18, Jan. to June 19 received on 28-09-19.
62 62/2008 1(a) M/s Sisodia Khanji Udog-Bhatta
Mohalla,  Katni M.P.
Limestone & Dolomite mine 11.02 ha. Katni M.P. 02/05/08   EC issued Letter no. 173-174/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 08-06-11 Compliance report received on 22-07-19. Compliance report for the period of June 22 received by email on dated 10-08-22.
63 63/2008 1(a) RamPrakash Kataria Khaiber line,
Madhav Nagar, Katni M.P.  
Fireclay and laterite mines 24.oo ha. Village Imaliya Teh. Murwada, Katni M.P.   02/05/08 08-05-08
EC issued Letter no. 686-687/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 04-04-11 EC Transfer recommended in 838 SEIAA meeting dated 12-03-2024. EC transferred vide letter no. 3404-05 dated 26-03-24. Compliance report received on 24-07- 19.
64 64/2008 1(a) Shri Ritu Raj Verma,
Adhartal,Jabalpur M.P
Hemalite, yellow, orchre and laterite mine 13.57 ha. Village Kailwas Teh. Sihora, Jabalpur M.P.   02/05/08 08-05-08
Rejected by Letter no. 162/epco/seiaa dt. 03-10-08  
65 65/2008 1(a) M/s Ismail and Sons Mission
Chowk, Katni M.P .
Bauxite, laterite and fire clay mine 25.19 ha.Village Kubin Teh- Maihar, Satna M.P.   02/05/08 08-05-08
Public hearing report sent to SEAC on 09-06-09. Case discussed in 141st SEIAA meeting. Letter sent to MS, SEAC on 27-07-13 to know the status of case. The case was discussed in 194 SEIAA meeting. Letter sent to PP on 18-05-15 to provide the distance of National Park/Sanctuary and distance of Forest boundary from the mining site, duly certified by DFO, the latest status of renewal of the mining lease. Copy to DFO, Satna. Case deferred for next meeting in 352nd SEIAA meeting dated 08-07-16. Query from DFO, Satna in 357 SEIAA meeting dated 27-07-16. Letter no. 3128-29/SEIAA/16 dated 09-08-16 to DFO, Satna for providing information regarding distance from Forest Boundary. It was decided in 394 SEIAA meeting dated 08-12-16 that PP invited for presentation. Query in 404 SEIAA meeting dated 24-01-17. PP invited for clarification in 455 SEIAA meeting dated 08-11-17. Letter no. 1279/SEIAA/17 dated 06-12-17 regarding invitation for presentation. EC granted in 462 SEIAA meeting dated 27-12-17. EC issued vide letter no. 1514-15/SEIAA/18 dated 11-01-18.  
66 66/2008 1(a) M/s Associate lime Co.Mission
Chowk, Katni,M.P.
Limestone mine 11.83 ha.village Nanhwara Teh.Murwara,Katni M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
EC Issued via 1274-75/epco/seiaa dt. 07/03/12  
67 67/2008 1(a) Shri Haji Gulam Sipten, Mission
Chowk ,Katni,  M.P
Bauxite mine 20.104 ha.Village Padarwara,Teh- Murwara, Katni M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1292-93/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
68 68/2008 1(a) M/s Ismail and Sons,
Mission Chowk, Katni M.P
Laterite and Bauxite mine 16.187 ha. Village TikariyaTeh- Katni M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1248-49/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
69 69/2008 1(a) Shri Vinod Kumar Shrivastava, Burhagar, Jabalpur M.P. Laterite mine 7.30 ha. Village Kurro, Teh- Sihora,Jabalpur.M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
EC issued vide letter no. 1728-29/SEIAA/13 date 01- 10-2013 Compliance report for the period of January to June 2019 received on 05-07-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 05- 05-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20, June 21 received on 19-08-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21, June 22 received by email on dated 03-11-22.
70 70/2008 1(a) M/s Ismail & Sons Mission
Chowk, Katni M.P.
Lime stone mine 10-748 ha. Village Bhatgaon Sunehra Teh-Murwada Katni M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08

Case discussed in 143 SEIAA meeting. The case has been revoked. Public Hearing report received on 04-10-13 & sent to SEAC on 11-10-13. EIA sent to SEAC on 26-08-14. PP has submitted Final EIA/EMP report on 23.02.15 & sent to SEAC on 13.03.15. Copy to PP. The case was discussed in 194th SEIAA meeting. Letter sent to the Collector & DFO, Katni on 27-05-15 to provide the status of lease deed & litigation related with mining lease of PP and the distance of forest boundary from the mining site respectively. Copy to PP. PP call for presentation decided in 262nd SEIAA meeting dated 27.11.15. Query raised in 266th SEIAA meeting dated 02.12.15. Call record from MS, MPPCB in 357 SEIAA meeting dated 27-07-16. Letter no. 3126-27/SEIAA/16 dated 09-08-16 to MPPCB to provide information. Query in 362 SEIAA meeting dated 26-08-16. Letter no. 3459/SEIAA/16 dated 09-09-16 to PP for clarification. Clarifiation from MS, MPPCB in 369 SEIAA meeting 23-09-16. Letter no. 3898- 99/SEIAA/16 dated 06-10-16 to Secretary, MPPCB request to provide the information as mentioned at point no. 2 of letter. EC granted in 410 SEIAA meeting dated 17-02-17. Corrigendum approved in 413 SEIAA meeting dated 03-03-17. EC issued vide letter no. 42-43/SEIAA/17 dated 03-04-17.

71 71/2008 1(a) Dr. Subhash Agrawal, 1396
Adhartal,  Jabalpur , M.P.
Iron ore, manganese and limestone,  village-Sakri Teh- Panagar, Jabalpur M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
EC issued letter no. 116-17dtd 24-04-12  
72 72/2008 1(a) Shri Raj Kishore Agarwal,
C/o Ganesh Motors,
Jabalpur Road, Katni M.P.
Limestone and dolomite mines 18-09 ha. village-NanhwarakalaTeh- Vijraojarh- Katni M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
EC issued letter no. 260-261 dtd26-07-10 Compliance report for the period June 11, Dec. 12, June 13, Dec. 13, June 14, Dec. 14, June 15, Dec. 15, June 16, Dec. 16, June 17, Dec. 17, June 18, Nov. 18, and June 19 received on 12- 07-19. Compliance report for the period Nov. 19 received on 19-05-20. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 20 received on 04-11-20. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 15-07-21.
73 73/2008 1(a) M/s Hukumchand stone limeCo. Nai basti,Katni M.P. Laterite, bauxite, fire clay & red ochre mine 16.188ha. Village Rosara, Teh- Sihora,JabalpurM.P 02/05/08 08-05-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1290-91/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
74 74/2008 1(a) M/s Vijay Khandelwal Tadsa
Road, Kanhan, Nagpur,
Manganeseore mine Khasra No.- 29, 45, 47 & 59 Village Botejhini, Balaghat M.P 02/05/08 08-05-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1300-01/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
75 75/2008 1(a) M/s VirendraSingh & Sons
Satyandra Bhawan, Bhatta
Mohalla Katni M.P.
Limestone & dolomite mine 17.44 village-Bhatgaon,Katni M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
EC issued 118-119/epco/mpseiaadt 25-5-11 Amended EC letter issued vide letter no.197-98 dt. 16.06.2011 Compliance report received on 22-07-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on dated 10-08-22.
76 76/2008 1(a) Jakhodia Minerals, 184,Samta
Colony, Raipur , C.G.
Laterite, Hematite and blue dust mine 6-880 ha. VillageDhamki, Teh-Sihora, Distt- Jabalpur M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
EC Issued 394-395/epco/mpseiaa dt22-12-09 Compliance report received on 01-10-19.
77 77/2008 1(a) Bhatgawan sunehra lime stone
and dolomite mine, Missionchowk,
Katni M.P.
Limestoneand dolomite mines 25.19 ha village- Bhatgawan sunehra, Teh- Murwara,Distt.Katni M.P. 02/05/08 08-05-08
EC issued vide letter no. 1251-52/SEIAA/12 dtd. 08-10-12 Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 18, Jan. to June 19 received on 28-09-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19, June & Dec. 20, June 21 received on 24-01-21.
78 78/2008 1(a) S.N Sunderson and
Co.1,Deshbandhu Gupta Road
New Delhi
Nanwara limestone mine 7.09 ha. located at village- Nanwara Teh.Vijayraghogarh,Distt. Katni M.P. 06/05/08 08-05-08
EC issued 02-03/epco-seiaaa dt 04/04/09  
79 79/2008 1(a) S.N Sunderson and Co.1,
Deshbandhu Gupta RoadNew
Badari lime stonemine 5.82 ha. village- Badari Vijayraghogarh,Distt. Katni M.P. 06/05/08 08-05-08

EC issued 372/epco- seiaaa dt 25/03/09

Revised EC in the name of M/s ACC granted in 465 SEIAA meeting dated 24-01-18. EC transferred in the name of M/s ACC Ltd vide letter no. 1742- 43/SEIAA/18 dated 23-02-18. Letter no. 1429- 30/SEIAA/19 dated 02-07-19 to ACC Ltd - to clarify the issues to justify your stand within 10 days from the issue of this letter otherwise necessary action will be initiated. Query in 645 SEIAA meeting dated 27-11-20. Letter no. 5125-26/SEIAA/20 dated 15-12-20 to M/s ACC Ltd - to clarify the issues to justify your stand within 15 days from the date of issue of this letter and present your case with clarification/justification in upcoming SEIAA meeting. PP call for clarification in 653 SEIAA meeting dated 08- 01-21. Letter no. 6521-22/SEIAA/21 dated 16-02-21 to PP - request to kindly communicate the tentative date for presentation and clarification. EC kept in abeyance and action should be taken as per the provisions provided in EIA Notification regarding violation of EC decided in 680 SEIAA meeting dated 03-08-21. EC kept in abeyance vide letter no. 1662-63/SEIAA/21 dated 16-08-21. EC revoked in 693 SEIAA meeting dated 25-11-21. EC revoked vide letter no. 2654- 55/SEIAA/21 dated 19-12-21.

It was decided to follow NGT decision in 748 SEIAA meeting dated 22-09-22. Letter no. 1756-57/SEIAA/22 dated 29-09-22 to PP - decision of SEIAA meeting. Letter no. 1758/SEIAA/22 dated 29-09-22 to Director, RO, MoEF&CC, Bhopal. Letter sent to Director, RO, MoEF&CC vide letter no. 2913 dated 14-02-23. Compliance of Hon'ble NGT (CZ)'s order decided in 864 SEIAA meeting dated 20-01-2025.

Compliance report for the period 2018-19 received on 11-09-19, August 20, 2020- 21 received on 13-08-21.
80 80/2008 1(a) S.N Sunderson and
Co.1,Deshbandhu Gupta Road
New Delhi
Lime Stone mine in 1278 ha for production capacity of45,000 TPA at Village  Ametha Teh. Vijayraghogarh,Distt. Katni M.P. 06/05/08 08-05-08
EC issued 370/epco-seiaaa dt 25/03/09  
81 81/2008 1(a) Smt Susheela Singh Satna Limestone 8.068 ha.Village-Piparhat, Teh- MaiharDistt-Satna 08/05/08 22-05-08
EC issued Letter no.688-689/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 04-04-11  
82 82/2008 3(a) Agrawal Metal Industries,501,
Batna Tower , Sch.No.54,Vijay
Nagar,Opp. Fortune
Metal Industries Plot No 251Sector E 08/05/08 22-05-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 73-74/epco/seiaa dt.06/06/09 repeated case case no. Compliance report received on 12-07-19.
83 83/2008 1(a) Smt. Shakuntla Kasal,Ward
No.13,Main Road,Waraseoni,
Distt. Balaghat
Hathoda Manganese ore mines Teh- Katangi Distt Balaghat6.99 ha. 14/05/08 22-05-08
EC issued 168-169/epco-seiaaadt 29/07/09  
84 84/2008 1(a) M/s Balasore Alloys
Ltd,Balgopalpur, Balasore, Orissa
(India )
Hathoda manganese ore  mines17.707 ha. Teh- KatangiDistt- Balaghat 14/05/08 22-05-08
EC issued 163-164/epco-seiaaa dt 29/07/09  repeated case case no.  
85 85/2008 1(a) RadheshyamGurjar, Iron ore mine
,33-34 River New ColonyBijlighar,
Murar, Distt-GwaliorM.P.
Iron ore mine 5.0 ha.Village- Panihar, Distt-Gwalior 14/05/08 22-05-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1294-95/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
86 86/2008 1(a) M/s Nator Mining Company Kurro-MansaharaLateriteDeposit Mines17.07ha. at Village Kurro andMansahara,Teh-SihoraDistt-Jabalpur 19/05/08 23-05-08
EC issued 14-15/epco-seiaaa dt 08/04/09  
87 87/2008 7(i) Deccan Chromates Limited- Unit-II
Ch. Kutumba Rao
SecureLand Fill Siteat GramPanchayatNawatola,Teh-SohagpurDistt-Shahdol 21/05/08 22-05-08
De-listed by no. 303/epco/seiaa/09 dtd. 06-02-09  
88 88/2008 3(a) Lucky Enterprises, Indore Small scaleunit for manufacturing1000 TPA Reclaimed Lead at Plot no.33/4, Sector-F,Industrial Area, Sanwar Road , Indore 22/05/08 26-05-08
Case closed vide letter no. 177/SEIAA/11 date 10-06-11  
89 89/2008 3(a) Aggarwal Metal Industries, Indore Small scale unit for manufacturing1000 TPA Reclaimed Lead at Plot no.251/A, Sector-E, Industrial Area, Sanwar Road , Indore 22/05/08 26-05-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 73-74/epco/seiaa dt. 06/06/09 repeated case case no. Compliance report received on 12-07-19.
90 90/2008 3(a) Ruchi Enterprises, Indore Small scale unit for manufacturing1000 TPA Reclaimed Lead at  survey no. 193/1,Gram- Narda Panth, Dhar Road, Indore 22/05/08 26-05-08
Rejected by Letter no. 175/epco/seiaa dt. 04-10-08  
91 91/2008 3(b) Mohta Cement Pvt Ltd, Indore Expansion of our existing Mini Cement Unit at 61/62, Sector-3, Pithampur, Distt – Dhar from 30 TPD to 300 TPD 22/05/08 27-05-08
EC issued 386-387/epco-seiaa dt 27-4-09  
92 92/2008 1(a) Rampura Lime stone mines,
Rampura Tehsil- Kukshi,
Distt- Dhar, M.P
Lime stone mine in 8.094 ha at village Rampura, Tehsil Kushi, Distt - Dhar 23/05/08 27-05-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1673-74/SEIAA/13 date 20-09-13  
93 93/2008 1(a) Ku. Rani Ayodhya Singh Gwalior
 6, Usha Colony, LaskarGwalior
Iron ore mine, Village- Panihar Distt-Gwalior 20, 235 ha. Khasra No.1262 28/05/08 31-05-08
EC issued 849-850/epco-seiaa dt 15-12-11  
94 94/2008 3(a) Tirupati Balaji Enterprises 68-B,
69-A, Sector-FIndustrial area,
Sanwer Road ,Indore
Small scale unit for manufacturing 1200 TPA reclaimed local at Plot No. 68-B, 69-A, Sctor-F, Industrial area Sanwer Road , Indore 02/06/08 10-06-08
The application returned to P P vide no 179/EPCO-SEIAA dt 10-06-11 as per 56th SEIAA meeting dtd. 07-04-11.  
95 95/2008 1(a) Aslam Ahmed Mission Chowk,
Katni Already case registered
Bhatgawn Sunehera stone and dolomite mine 25.19 ha. at Bhatgawan sunehera, Teh- Murwara, Katni M.P.. 04-06-08 10-06-08
Rejected by Letter no. 168/epco/seiaa dt. 03-10-08  
96 96/20081(a) M/sNirmala Minaral Pathale
ward-Katni M. P.
Agaria Iron ore mine 20.141. ha. Village Agaria Teh- Sehora Jabalpur M.P 04-06-08 10-06-08
Case delisted vide letter no. 3646-47/SEIAA/15 date 16-07-15 Case relisted in 223rd SEIAA meeting dated 29.07.15. It was decided in 359 SEIAA meeting dated 10-08-16 that reminder letter sent to PS, Forest, Secretary, Mineral Resources and Collector, Jabalpur. Letter No. 3231/SEIAA/16 dated 24-08-16 to PS, Forest, Secretary, Mineral Resources regarding providing information. PP invited for presentation in 381 SEIAA meeting dated 04-11-16. Query in 393 SEIAA meeting 07-12-16. Letter no. 4891/SEIAA/16 dated 04-01-17 to PP for providing information. It was decided in 399 SEIAA meeting dated 09-01-17 that water table submitted by PP got verified with Central Ground Water Board. Letter no. 5130/SEIAA/17 dated 28-01-17 to PP for submitting information. Query in 411 SEIAA meeting dated 25-02-17. Letter no. 5495-96/SEIAA/17 dated 07-03-17 to PP requesting to submit report the prevailing ground water level of the nearest monitoring station to Agariya village. EC granted in 421 SEIAA meeting dated 10-04-17. EC issued vide letter no. 319-20/SEIAA/17 dated 01-05-17. Compliance report for the period of June 17, Dec. 17, June 18, Dec. 18, June 19 received on 01-11-2019. Compliance report for the period Dec. 19, June 20 received on 10-07-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20 received on 11-01-21. Certification of Compliance received from MoEF&CC vide letter no. 142 dated 25-02-21 on 03- 03-21. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 25-10-21.
97 97/20081(a) Smt Gayatri Devi Bansal
Gandhigram Ochre, :Leterite and Iron ore mine, 9-47 Village Gandhigram Talluka-Sihora Jabalpur 04-06-08 10-06-08
EC issued Letter no.130-131/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26- 05-10 Six monthly compliance report for the period of Dec. 18 to May 19 received on 30-07-19. Compliance report for the period of June to Nov. 19 received on 07-03-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 to May 20 received on 12-10-20. Compliance report for the period of May 21 received on 10-08-21. Compliance report for the period of June to Nov. 21 received by email on 23-05-22.
98 98/20081(a) Smt Indiradevi Garg Jeewajiganj,
Morena, M.P.
Bankuri red ochre mine 12.0 ha. at Village Banlari Tall – Kraha, Sheopur 04-06-08 10-06-08
EC issued vide letter no. 1844/SEIAA/13 date 22-10-13  
99 99/2008 1(a) M/s Nirmala Minerals, Yash Tower, Pathak Ward,
Katni M.P. - 483501, Email - infonmkatni[at]gmail[dot]com
Dubiyara Iron Ore Mine 32.375 ha. at DubiyaraTalluka-Sihora Jabalpur M.P. 04-06-08 10-06-08
Case delisted decided in 234th SEIAA meeting dated 07.09.15. Case relisted & sent to SEAC for appraisal decided in 260th SEIAA meeting dated 20.11.15. PP call for presentation, decided in 319th SEIAA meeting dated 20-04-16. Query raised in 329th SEIAA meeting dated 07-05-16. EC granted in 335 SEIAA meeting dated 24.05.2016. EC issued vide letter no. 1973-74/SEIAA/16 date 13-06- 16. Compliance report for the period of June 17, Dec. 17, June 18, Dec. 18, June 19 received on 01-11-2019. Compliance report for the period Dec. 19, June 20 received on 10-07-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20 received on 11-01-21.
100 100/2008 1(a) Ramawtar Agrawal
Prabhat Vihar colony
Panna  naka-Satna M.P
Chachandeeh Bouxite mine 17.744 ha. at Village Chachandeeh Talluka - Pushprajgarh- Anuppur M.P. 04-06-08 10-06-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1272-73/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
101 101/20081(a) Shashikant Kohad, Station Road, P.O. Niwar, Katni M.P. Chopra Bauxite and Laterite mine 7.383 ha. at Vi.Chopra Teh-Bahoriband-Katni.M.P. 04-06-08 10-06-08
EC issued 180-181/epco-seiaa dt 4-8-09 Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 17, Jan. to June 18, July to Dec. 18, Jan. to June 19 received on 14-10-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 04-07-20. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 20 received on 09-11-20. Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 20 received on 11-12-20. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 09-07-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on 28-12-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 to May 22 received by email on dated 27-06-22.
102 102/20081(a) M/s Sangeeta Sharma 345,
Bhyramji Town Sadar, Nagpur
Manganese ore mine 7.114 ha. at Palaspani Teh- Sousar,Chhindwara 04-06-08 10-06-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1344-45/SEIAA/13 date 01-08-13  
103 103/20081(a) KamalNarayan Agrawal
Beniganj Mohalla, Chhatarpur
Motigarh Red ochre and laterite mines 13.794 ha at Motigarh Chhatarpur M.P. 04-06-08 10-06-08
Rejected by Letter no. 230/epco/seiaa dt. 15/12/08  
104 104/2008 1(a) Anand mining corporation Pathak
ward, Katni- M.P.
Dubiyara-Tikaria Iron ore mine 26.00 ha at Village Dubiyara Tikaria Jabalpur 04-06-08 10-06-08
EC issued vide letter no. 5407-08/SEIAA/15 date 04-09-15 Compliance report for the period of June 16, Dec. 16, Jan. 17, Dec. 17, Jan. 18, Dec. 18, Jan. 19 received on 14-08-19.
105 105/20081(a) Anand mining corporation Pathak
ward, Katni- M.P.
Pratappur Iron ore mine 11.578 ha. at Village Pratappur Talluka- Sihora, Jabalpur 04-06-08 10-06-08
 EC issued Letter no. 126-127/epco/seiaa/dtd. 26-05-10 Ammended EC172-173 dtd. 26-06-10  
106 106/2008 1(a) Gopal Enterprises 4-Old Palasia,
A-B Road Indore M.P.
Stone Gitti mine (quarry) 7.5 ha. at Bicholi Mardana, Indore 04-06-08 10-06-08
Case returned to P P (vide letter no 182/EPCO-SEIAA dt 10-06-11) with endt. to MS,MPPCB as it falls under 'A' category.  
107 107/20081(a) Jay Kumar Jakhodia Dhamki,
Dhamkilaterite heamatite  and blue dust mine Teh- SihoraJabalpur 04-06-08 10-06-08
Rejectedby Letter no. 247/epco/seiaa dt. 16/12/08  
108 108/20087(i) Commissioner Municipal
Corporation Jabalpur M.P.
Sanitary landfill site at KathondaJabalpur M.P. 04-06-08 10-06-0867/EPCO/SEIAA EC issued Letter no. 48-49 epco/seiaa dtd 13-04-11  
109 109/20081(d) Ramnik Power and Alloys Pvt Ltd,
C/o M/s A.P Trivedi sons,
Main Road., Balaghat
Biomass based power plant of M.W for captive use at Vi-sarandi Distt- Wara Seoni,  Balaghat 05-06-08 10-06-08
EC issued 30-31/epco-seiaa dt 1-5-09  
110 110/2008 8(b)

Dr. Vinayak M.Prasad Director
Mr. Y. Satyam Addl. Secretary
M.E Bhopal, Ministry to Health & Family Welfare, PMSSY DIvision, Red Cross Building, New Delhi - 110001

The Director, AIIMS Bhopal, AIIMS Bhopal Hospital Building, Saket Nagar, Bhopal, MP - 462026

Rajmata Vijayaraje Sindhiya, AIIMS, Bhopal 10-06-08 12-06-08
EC issued 468-469/epco-seiaa dt 02-02-2010 Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19 received on 23-01- 20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 25-01-21.
111 111/2008 1(a) Shri Jai Kumar Singh Shivalika
Minerals 72,Ist Floor Adita
Avenue, Building Zone II M.P.
Nagar, Bhopal
Mansakhara Manganese mine 8.0 ha at aVillage-Mansakhara Talluka-Sihora, Jabalpur 10-06-08 12-06-08
EC issued 847-848/epco-seiaa dt 15-12-11  
112 112/2008 1(a) S.R.Ferro Allys Aditya Avenue ,M.P. Nagar, Zone II, Bhopal Kajali Dongari Manganese mine 30.86 ha. at Village Kajali, Dongari, Talluka-Jhabua Distt- Jhabua 10-06-08 12-06-08
EC Issued 60-61/epco/seiaa dt 28-5-09
Rectification dt 17-07-09
113 113/2008 8(a) Sophia Real Estate Ltd. S.P.
Center ,C-Wing, 41/44 Minoo Desai Marg, Near Radio club,
Colaba Mumbai
India bulls Indore Mall Halka No. 15/1, Khasra 154,158/1649, 154/1650 13-06-08 16-06-08
Rejected by Letter no. 166/epco/seiaa dt. 03/10/08  
114 114/2008 1(a) Umakat Patel Kakaiya Bichhiya
Mandla M.P.
Dolomite mines 5-11 ha. Village Kakaiya Teh- Bichhiya, Mandla 13-06-08 16-06-08

Case closed vide letter no. 1327-28/SEIAA/13 date 29-07-13.

Letter no. 3317/SEIAA/16 dated 31-08-16 to PP regarding his request for relist the case.

115 115/2008 1(d) ASN Industries Pvt Ltd 313, HMT Hills Opp. JNTU, Kukatpally Hydrabad-500 072 7.5 Biomass based power project in village, Gudar, Tehsil, Badwara, Distt- Katni M.P. 24-06-08 Case closed vide letter no. 1178-79/SEIAA/12 dtd. 28-09-12.  
116 116/2008 3(a) Bhopal metal industries TP-7, Indus Town Mandideep Road , Bhopal Smelting of lead in Mandideep Raisen Road Plot No-101, Industrial Area Mandideep 25-06-08 30-06-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1242-43/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
117 117/2008 3(a) G S Metals 40-41/10, Industrial Area Phase-I,A  B Road Dewas M.P. Small scale lead processing unit of 450 MT/year Industrial Areas Dewas M.P. 28-06-08 30-06-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1254-55/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
118 118/2008 8(a) Collector, Gwalior Construction of Govt. Houses (Redensification), Thatipur Gwalior M.P. 30-06-08 07-07-08
EC issued by 337/epco/seiaa09 dt. 28-02-09  
119 119/2008 1(a) Western coalfields Ltd, Coal estate, Civil Lines, Nagpur Harradounder ground coal mines 27-45 ha. at Teh- Junerdeo ChhindwaraM.P. 02-07-08 07-07-08
120 120/2008 3(a) Krishna Metal Agency 158/B, Sector 'F" Narwal Chouraha Sanwer Road , Indore M.P Small scale lead processing of 1000 MT/year at plot No. 158/ B sector, F- Industrial Area Sanwer RoadIndore-M.P. 03-07-08 07-07-08
121 121/20081(a) Pluton Cements Pvt Ltd 138,Sneh Nagar, Indore M.P. Limestone mining 10.70 ha. Khasra No.136 at Vill- Acharkunda Teh-. Gandhwani, Distt. Dhar M.P. 08-07-08 11-07-08
EC issued 1 57-158/epco/seiaa dt 04-06-11  
122 122/2008 1(a)

Balaji stone lime company, Jamni, Shahdol, M.P.

Limestone mine  9.5 hect. Village Jhinna,Teh-Amarpatan Di stt.Satna M.P 09-07-08 11-07-08

EC issued vide letter no. 1073-74/SEIAA/13 date 25-06-13

It is decided in 379 SEIAA meeting dated 24-10-16 that PP ask for renewal of mining lease order..

Letter no. 4474-75/SEIAA/16 dated 25-11-16 to PP for renewal of the mining lease.

123 123/2008 1(a) Shri Harinarayan Lalchand  Somani, 241, Pratapganj Road Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P. Panwani Dolomite mine 8.093 hect. Village-Panwani, Teh-Alirajpur Distt.Jhabua M.P. 10-07-08 11-07-08
EC issued 480-481/epco-seiaa dt 02-02-2010 Compliance report received on 09-12-19.
124 124/2008 1(a) Shri Pradeep Jain C/o Jain Medical store, Main market Tendukheda, Narsinghpur M.P. Dolomite & Limestone mine 7.626 ha. Village-Kanheri, Teh-Tendukheda, Distt-Narsingpur M.P. 10-07-08 11-07-08
EC Issued via 1272- 73/epco/seiaa dt. 07/03/12 Compliance report for the period Jan. to June 19 received on 30-08-19. Compliance report for the period Jan. to June 20 received on 12-10-20.
125 125/2008 1(a) M/s Jai Bhawani Minerals Shi Ashwani Gautam B-6, New ACC Colony, Katni M.P. Tihari Laterite & fireclay deposit mine 7.37 ha. Teh-Bahoriban, Distt-Katni M.P. 10-07-08 11-07-08
EC issued 318-319/epco-seiaa dt 12-08-2010  
126 126/2008 1(a) Shri Shabbir Ahmed Siddiqui Jaitwara Satna M.P. Kathara-Kothar Laterite mine 7.025 ha. Teh-Raghurajnagar Distt-Satna M.P. 10-07-08 11-07-08
Rejected by Letter no. 249/epco/seiaa dt. 16/12/08  
127 127/2008 1(a) M/s Chhindwara mines Pvt Ltd 11/1, Sarvepriy Vihar, New Delhi Manganese Ore mine 8.776  ha. Vill-Gwani-Wadona Teh-Saunsar, Distt-Chhindwara M.P. 10-07-08 11-07-08
EC issued 154-155/epco/seiaa dt 04-06-11  
128 128/2008 1(a) S.N.S. Minerals Ltd Maihar Satna M.P. Limestone & Dolomite mine 42.467 ha. Village Tamoria, Teh-Maihar, Distt-Satna M.P. 10-07-08 11-07-08

EC issued letter no. 254-255 dtd 26-07-10


Compliance Report Letter received on 16-04-13. Letter no. 1662/SEIAA/19 dated 16-07-19 to PP - request to please submit compliance reports to RO, MoEF&CC, Bhopal as well as MPSEIAA.
129 129/2008 1(a) Vishnuprasad Lahariya, Mardewra, Bijawar, Chhatarpur M.P. Mardewra Soapstone mine 5.363 ha. 3000 TPA capacity  at Vil-Mardewra Teh-Bijawar, Distt-Chhatarpur M.P. 11-07-08 17-07-08
EC issued 845-846/epco-seiaa dt 15-12-11  
130 130/2008 1(a) Blue mountain mineral Pvt Ltd, 188, Rizwan Bag, VIP Road , Lalghati, Bhopal M.P. Kanheri Dolomite limestone mine 5.720 ha. 4000 TPA Vill -Kanheri, Teh- Tendukhera Distt-Narsinghpur M.P. 11-07-08 17-07-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1284-85/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
131 131/2008 1(a) Shri Ashwin Purendrasingh Chandel 15, Sardar Patel Marg, Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P. Behadawa Dolomite mine 8.34 ha, 4000 TPA at Vill- Behadawa Teh-Alirajpur, Distt-Jhabua M.P. 11-07-08 17-07-08
EC issued 414-415/epco-seiaa dt 24-08-2011  
132 132/2008 1(a) M/s Krishnadas Tikaram Civil line, Katni, M.P. Beerpur Bauxite and fireclay mine 6.31 ha. at Beerpur Teh-Rampur Naikin, Distt-Sidhi 11-07-08 17-07-08
EC issued Letter no. 134-135/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26-05-10 Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 17-08-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20 received on 05-01-21.
133 133/2008 1(a) Vishwanath Agrawal Jaitwara, Satna M.P. Laterite mine 6.761 ha. 4000 TPA at Karigohi Teh-Raghuraj Nagar, Distt- Satna M.P. 14-07-08 17-07-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1276-77/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
134 134/2008 1(a) Smt. Sushila Singh Bara Near Uttpal Garagem, Rewa M.P. Lime stone mine 8.068 ha. at 1500 TPA at Piparhat Teh-Maihar Distt-Satna 14-07-08 17-07-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1282-83/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
135 135/2008 1(a) Shri Shashikant Joshi, B-28, Mahatma Gandhi marg, Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P. Dolomite mine  9.61 ha.2500 TPA at  Vill-Bari, Teh-Alirajpur, Distt-Jhabua M.P. 14-07-08 17-07-08
EC issued 482-483/epco-seiaa dt 02-02-2010 Compliance report received on 09-12-19.
136 136/2008 1(a) M/s Laxminarayan mining Co. Shri Shantilal Balmukund, Somani-241, Pratappur marg, Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P. Dolomite mine 8.09 ha. 4000 TPA at Vill-Panwani, Teh- Alirajpur, Distt-Jhabua 14-07-08 17-07-08
EC issued 435-436/epco-seiaa dt 27-08-2011  
137 137/2008 1(a) Shri S.M. Bedia, Pratapganj Road , Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P. Dolomite mine 9.70 ha. 4000 TPA Vill-Kund, Teh-Alirajpur, Distt-Jhabua M.P. 14-07-08 17-07-08
EC issued letter No. 358-359 dt 27-01-10  
138 138/2008 1(a) Atar Singh Yadav M/s Lanka Pahad stone cutting indus. Vill-Niravli P.O. Moti Jheel, Gwalior-M.P. Quarry lease of 7.351 ha. at Vill- Tehalari P. O Moti Jheel, Gwalior- M.P. 15-07-08 17-07-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1302-03/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
139 139/2008 1(a) Hukumchand stone lime Co. Vijay Kumar Jain Nai Basti Katni M.P. Limestone mine 10.56 ha. at Vill-Bhtoora Teh-Maihar, Satna M.P. 17-07-08 24-07-08
Delisted Letter sent to PP (vide lett. no. 312-310 dt. 5/11/09)  
140 140/2008 1(a) Shri Dev Patil Shakti Stones 6. Vishal Tower Indira complex, Indore M.P. Stone mine 7.849 ha. at Village Bisalwas Khurd Distt.Neemuch M.P. 18-07-08 24-07-08
Recjected 403-404/epco/mpseiaa dt 22-12-09  
141 141/2008 1(a) Sharat Kumar Gangarani 10, Complex Road , Neemuch M.P. Stone mine 10.597 ha. Vill-Bislawas Khurd Neemuch M.P. Serveno 172, 180, 188 21-07-08 24-07-08
Recjected 399-400/epco/mpseiaa dt 22-12-09  
142 142/2008 1(a) Prahlad Somani 225.HUDCO Colony Neemuch M.P. Stone mine 20.00 ha. at Vill-Chainpur Neemuch M.P.-8 21-07-08 24-07-08
Recjected 401-402/epco/mpseiaa dt 22-12-09  
143 143/2008 1(a) Servesh Pratap Singh Vill-Ragunathpur, Janardanpur, Satna M.P. Lime stone 7.687 ha. at Vill-Goraiya Teh-Rampur Baghelan Satna M.P. 21-07-08 24-07-08
Rejected by Letter no. 240/epco/seiaa dt. 15/12/08  
144 144/2008 1(a) Rakesh Agencies Jaintwara Distt- Satna M.P. Kangohi Baauxite and ocher mine 15.62 ha. at Vill-Karigohi, Talluka-Majhgawan- Distt- Satna M.P 21-07-08 24-07-08

EC issued vide letter no. 1229-30/SEIAA/13 date 24-07-13. PP informed that working is not started in mines, so Compliance report not submitted. Extension of EC validity differed for next SEIAA meeting with detailed agenda note in 824 SEIAA meeting dated 11-01-2024. EC validity extended in the 839 SEIAA meeting dated 13-03-2024. EC Validity extended vide letter no. 32-33 dated 04-04-24.

Compliance report for the period of Nov. 21 received by email on 17-03-22.
145 145/2008 1(a) Triloki nath Agrawal Civil line Katnai M.P. Limestone mine 32.48 ha. at Nanawrakala, Teh-Vijayrajghogarh, Katni M.P. 21-07-08 24-07-08

EC issued letter no. 258-259 dtd 26-07-10

Compliance report for the period of June 18, December 18, June 19 received on 24-08-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 30- 06-20. Compliance report for the period of June 20, Dec. 20 received on 31-12-20. Compliance report for the period of June21 received on 23-07-21Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on dated 07-02-22. Compliance report for the period of June 22 received by email on dated 23-08-22.
146 146/2008 1(a) Saita Stone compound Mahesh Kushwah Chhatri Road ,  Shivpuri M.P. Floor stone 7.0 ha. Vill Dongri Distt.Shivpuri M.P. 22-07-08 24-07-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1306-07/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
147 147/2008 1(a) Shri Om Prakash Patidar Indira Pathar Shrarmic shakari samiti, Teh- Jawad Neemuch M.P.   Stone mine 117.582 Suwakheda, Teh:Jaswad, Neemuch, M.P. 23-07-08 29-07-08
Referred to MoEF, GoI on 06-08-08 as it belongs to 'A' Category of Schedule of EIA Notification, 2006.>  
148 148/2008 5(f) M/s Lupin Ltd Industrial area Mandideep, Raisen M.P. Proposed capacity enhancement and addition new products 198.202, New Industrial Area No.2, Mandideep Raisen M.P. 23-07-08 29-07-08

 EC issued Letter no. 145-146/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 28-05-10

Compliance Report (June- Nov.-14)


Compliance Report for the period of June 16 to November 16 received on 23-12-16. Compliance Report for the period of October 16 to March 16 received on 02-06-17. Compliance Report for the period of April 17 to September 17 received on 15-12-17. Compliance Report for the period of October 17 to March 18 received on 01-06-2018. Compliance Report for the period of April 18 to September 18 received on 05-12-2018. Compliance Report for the period of July 18 to December 18 received on 04-06-2019. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19 received on 30-11-19. Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 19 received on 28-05-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20 received on 07-06-21. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 02-12-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21received by email on dated 01-06-22.
149 149/2008 1(a) Shri Sanjay Yadav S/o Gopal Yadav Morena M.P.   Stone Gitti mine 13.20 hect. Khara No. 445, 446, 449 Morena M.P 24-07-08 29-07-08
Rejected by Letter no. 239/epco/seiaa dt. 15/12/08  
150 150/2008 1(a) Smt. Sangeeta Sharma C/o Shri Rakesh Sharma, Plot No. 6019, Byramji Town , Nagpur M.H.   Manganese core- mine 8.052 hect. at Vill-Sitapur Teh: Souncer, Distt-Chhindwara M.P. 26-07-08 29-07-08
EC Issued 396-397/epco/mpseiaa dt 22- 12-09 Compliance report received on 18-07-19.
151 151/2008 1(a) Smt. Sangeeta Sharma C/o Shri Rakesh Sharma, Plot No. 6019, Byramji Town , Nagpur , M.H   Manganese core- mine 7.114 hect. at Vill-Palaspani Teh: souncer, Distt-Chhindwara M.P. 26-07-08 29-07-08
EC Issued 1777-78/SEIAA/12 dtd. 20-12-2012  
152 152/2008 1(a) M/s Rajkumar N.Tirpude Civil line, Nagpur , Maharashtra Dolomite mine 5.0 hect.
Vill-Malegaon, Teh: Souncer Chhindwara M.P.
26-7-08 29-07-08
EC Issued via 1268-69/epco/seiaa dt. 07/03/12  
153 153/2008 1(a) M/s Shukdeo Prasad Goenka C/o Goenka Bhawan, Station Road , Katni M.P. Laterite yellow ochre and manganese red oxide, red ochre mines fire clay 48.562 hect. Vill- Jhinna Teh- Dheemerkhera, Distt- Katni M.P.   26-07-08 29-07-08

Case closed vide letter no. 3469-70/SEIAA/15 date 30-03-2015 PP call for presentation, decided in 313th SEIAA meeting dated 04-04-16. Query raised in 321th SEIAA meeting dated 22-04-16. Information sought from District Collector as per the decision of 336 SEIAA meeting dated 26.05.16. Letter no. 1919- 20/SEIAA/16 dated 13-06-16 to Collector, Katni regarding information

It is decided in 379 SEIAA meeting dated 24-10-16 that Conservator Forest, Katni should be asked to file the reply of the Collector's letter at an earliest. Letter to Secretary, Mining Resources Department, GoMP regarding opinion on the current status of renewal of lease in 394 SEIAA meeting 08-12-16. It was decided in 411 SEIAA meeting dated 25-02-17 that PP may be invited for present his representation on 16-03-17 regarding issuance of EC as per directives of Hon'ble M.P.High Court. Letter no. 5497-98/SEIAA/17 dated 07-03-17 to DFO, Katni requesting to provide information to PP within one month. Letter no. 5499-5500/SEIAA/17 dated 07-03-17 to Collector, Katni requesting to provide information to PP within one month. Query in 416 SEIAA meeting dated 16-03-17. Letter no. 5716/SEIAA/17 dated 30-03-17 to PP for providing information. PP invited for clarification in 455 SEIAA meeting dated 08-11-17. To take legal opinion from Senior Advocate decided in 487 SEIAA meeting dated 29-05-18. EC granted in 499 SEIAA meeting dated 13-08-2018. EC issued vide letter no. 1519-20 dated 11-10-18.

EC withheld in 530 SEIAA meeting dated 15-03-2019. Case withheld vide letter no. 172-73/SEIAA/19 dated 09-04-19. No further action is required decided in 634 SEIAA meeting dated 31-08-20.

154 154/2008 1(a) Mohini Industries, Gandhiganj, Chhindwara M.P. Manganese ore mine 18.68 hect. Vill- Lodhikhera Teh- Souncer, Distt.Chindwara M.P.   26-07-08 29-07-08
TOR-9 meeting dt-20/8/08.Absent-66 meeting dt-30/9/10, Q-67 dt-30/9/10 . Letter sent to Secretary, SEAC on 15.07.15 to provide the present status of the case. Copy to PP. Delisted-213 meeting dt-8/8/15. Case delisted in 356 SEIAA meeting dated 26-07-16. Case delisted vide letter no. 3147-48/SEIAA/16 dated 12-08-16.  
155 155/2008 1(a) Kwality Mineral Behind Milan Hall, Habib Nagar, Teka, Nagpur, M H Dolomite mine 10.00 hect. Survey No 74, Vill- Bichwabaggu. Teh- Sounser Distt. Chhindwara M.P. 26-07-08 29-07-08
EC Issued vide letter no. 1771-72/SEIAA/12 dtd. 20-12-2012 Compliance report received on 29-07-19.
156 156/2008 1(a) Smt Leela Bhalavi Jagantola mine, Ukwa, Teh- Baihar, Balaghat M.P.   Manganese ore mine 5.492 hect. in village Jagantola Teh- Baihar Distt- Balaghat M.P. 26-07-08 29-07-08
EC issued letter no. 611-612 dtd 25-07-2012 Compliance report received by email on 09-07-2019.
157 157/2008 1(a) Shri Rakesh Sharma 345, Byramji town, Nagpur M H   Dolomite mine 5.639 hect. Vill- Malegaon, Teh- Souncer,  Distt. Chhindwara M.P. [ECT - 291656] 26-07-08 29-07-08

EC issued letter no.114-115 dtd 24-04-2012.

Shri Vidhan Sharma, 345-B, Byramji Town, Sadar, nagpur - 440013, EMail - sharma[dot]vidhan[at]hotmail[dot]com, Mobile - 9860036676 applied for the EC transfer. EC transfer vide letter no. 2030-31/SEIAA/22 dated 09-11-22.

158 158/2008 1(a) M/s Haryana MineralsGandhiganj,Chhindwara M.P. Manganese mine 18.68 hect. Vill-Lodhikhera Teh- Souncer,  Distt-Chhindwara M.P. 26-07-08 29-07-08
Case delisted decided in 234th SEIAA meeting dated 07.09.15.  
159 159/2008 1(a) M/s Gahra Minerals, Habib Nagar, Teka, Nagpur M H. Dolomite mine 14.00 hect. survey No. 278, Vill-Lohani, Teh- Sauncer,Distt- chhindwara M.P. 26-07-08 29-07-08
EC Issued letter no. 912-913 dtd. 28-08-2012 Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19 received on 19-08-19.
160 160/2008 1(a) M/s Kamta Nath Store crusher Prop.Nthuram Jatav Bhind M.P. Quarry Lease 20,000 MTPA stone 42.63 ha.Vill-DangTeh-Gohad, Distt.Bhind 29-07-08 04-08-08
EC issued Letter no. 380-381 dtd. 19-06-12  
161 161/2008 1(a) M/s Kamadigiri store crusher Udyog Brij Kishore Sharma Bhind M.P. Quarry Lease 20,000 MTPA stone mine 161 43.0 ha. Vill-Dang, Teh-Gohad, Distt-Bhind M.P. 29-07-08 04-08-08
Case delisted vide letter no. 3665-66/SEIAA/15 date 16-07-15  
162 162/2008 8(b) B. Rajesh Nair Twenty first century properties Pvt Ltd, Indore M.P. Township proposed at M/s Twenty first century, Properties, Pvt Ltd at Bijalpur,   Indore M.P. 30-07-08 04-08-08
Rejected by Letter no. 234/epco/seiaa dt. 15/12/08  
163 163/2008 8(b) B Rajesh Nair Indore Entertainment Developers Pvt Ltd, Indore M.P. Township Project M/s Indore Entertainment Developers Pvt Ltd at Kanadiya Indore M.P. 30-07-08 04-08-08
Rejected by Letter no. 233/epco/seiaa dt. 15/12/08  
164 164/2008 8(b) B. Rajesh Nair Wonderland Estate Pvt Ltd Indore M.P. Township Project of  Wonderland Estate Pvt Ltd at Rangwasa, Indore M.P. 30-07-08 04-08-08
Rejected by Letter no. 243/epco/seiaa dt. 16/12/08  
165 165/2008 1(a) Tahsildar singh Jai Shetla Kamgar Avam Karigiro Ki Sahkari Sanstha Maryadit Jaitpura- Noorabad, Morena M.P. Quarry lease of 8.0 ha. for floor stone at Vill- Jaitpura-Noorabad, Teh-Morena, Distt-Morena M.P. 30-07-08 04-08-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1256-57/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
166 166/2008 1(a) Surya Vansham Mining & Minerals
Pvt Ltd, 102/5, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal M.P.
Manganese ore mine 5.0 ha. at Vill- Manskra,Teh-Sihora, Distt. Jabalpur M.P. 31-07-08 04-08-08
EC issued 166-167/epco-seiaa dt 29/07/09  
167 167/2008 1(a) Rana Hanuman Singh Minerals
Balaghat M.P.
Dolomite & Quarts Mine 11.60 ha. atDulhapur, Teh- Katangi, Distt. Balaghat M.P. 01-08-08 04-08-08
EC issued 172-173/epco-seiaa dt 29/07/09 Compliance report received on 29-06-19. Compliance report for the period of April to Sept. 21 received by email on 02-01-22.
168 168/2008 8(a) M/s A G S Realtors ( Indore ) Pvt Ltd Block-C, Sector-43 Sushant lok, Phase-I Gurgaon, Haryana "Thesoule"- commercial complex with multiplex and hotel at Vill-Lasudia Parmar Teh-Sanwar Distt-Indore, Built up area 3,19,265 sq.m 02-08-08 06-08-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1246-47/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
169 169/2008 1(a) Rai Bahadur Shreeram company Shreeram Bhawan Tumsar ( Maharashtra ) Manganese ore mines 8.16 ha. 12.500 Mt/year at Vill-Chikmara, Teh-Katangi Distt-Balaghat M.P. 02-08-08 07-08-08
EC issued 213-214/epco-seiaa dt 21/08/09  
170 170/2008 1(a) Rai Bahadur Shreeram company Shreeram Bhawan Tumsar ( Maharashtra ) Manganese ore mines 6.71 Vill-Selwa Teh- KatangiDistt-Balaghat M.P. 02-08-08 07-08-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 151-152/epco/seiaa dt. 27-07-09  
171 171/2008 1(a) Dragawan Quarts Deposit Near Chhoti Devi Temple Tikamgarh Quart Deposit mine 12.o ha at Dargawan Teh-Tikamgarh, Distt-Tikamgarh M.P. 04-08-08 07-08-08
EC issued by letter no. 895-896/ EPCO/SEIAA dtd 03-01-12  
172 172/2008 1(d) Shalivahana Green Energy Ltd P B No.1582 7th Floor, minerva complex, S.D. Road , Secundrabad 12 MW, Biomass based power project at Vill- Bhanadei, Teh- Chhindwara M.P. 05-08-08 07-08-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1180-81/SEIAA/12 dtd. 28-09-12.  
173 173/2008 1(d) I.Rajababu, Director, Minerva power corporation Ltd 7th Floor S.D. Road , Secundrabad 10 MW Biomass based power project at Vill-Bharouti Teh- Umaria, Distt- Umaria M.P. 05-08-08 07-08-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1182-83/SEIAA/12 dtd. 28-09-12.  
174 174/2008 1(d) Arya Energy Ltd D-1, Maruti Enclave Tatibandh, Raipur, Chatisgarh> 12 MW capapcity biomass based power plant at vill- Gohandra & Dongratota Teh- Kotma, Distt- Anuppur 06-08-08 07-08-08
EC issued 05-06/epco-seiaaa dt 04/04/09   
175 175/2008 1(a) Raghuvir Ferro Alloy Pvt Ltd Industrial Area Urla, Raipur C H Manganese ore mine 8.11 hact.1000TPR at vill-Jagantola Teh-Baihar,  Distt.Balaghat> 07-08-08 11-08-08
EC issued by letter no. 1041/SEIAA/12 dt. 20-09-12  
176 176/2008 1(a) M/s Vinod Jain 3, Arjun Complex, Neipar , Jabalpur M.P. Laterite, manganese ore, iron ore quarts & clay mine 17.008 ha.61000 TPA at Kodamukur, Teh- Sihora, Distt-Jabalpur 07-08-08 11-08-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1331-32/SEIAA/13 date 29-07-13  
177 177/2008 1(a) M/s Sawaliya minerals industries Shri Om Prakash Gupta 110, Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P. Dolomite mine 5.0 ha. 8500 TPA at Kharkhari Teh- Alirajpur, Distt-Jhabua M.P 07-08-08 11-08-08
EC issued 476-477/epco-seiaa dt 02-02-2010  
178 178/2008 1(d) Guracharan Singh, Director BLA Pvt Ltd 84, Mokar Chamber III Nariman point, Mumbai 140 MW Thermal Power Plant at Vill- Niwari Teh-Gadarwara Distt-Narsinghpur 07-08-08 11-08-08

EC issued 25-26/epco- seiaa dt 21/04/09 Revised EC 23-03-11 EC for IIIrd Unit issued by letter no. 890-891/EPCO/SEIAA dtd 03-01-12  

Birla Power P. Ltd vide letter dated 23-05-17 informed that as per the notification of EC granted to our project automatically stands extended upto 7 years i.e. upto 12th November 2019.

Compliance report received on 28-03-17. Compliance report received for the period of January to June and July to December 2017 on 10-05-18. Compliance report received for the period of July to December 2018 on 15-04-19. Compliance report for the period of January to June 19 received on 12-07-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 06-12-19. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 20 received on 04-07-20. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 05-07-21. Compliance report for the period o Dec. 21 received on 20-12-21.
179 179/2008 1(a) Brij Kishore Bhargava Bajwahi, Katni M.P. Bhaswahi clay and laterite mine 30.394  ha.all village Bhaswahi Teh- Vijayaraghavgarh, Katni-M.P. 08-08-08 11-08-08
EC issued by letter no. 166-167 dtd 5/5/12 Six monthly compliance report for the period of Dec. 18 to May 19 received on 30-07-19. Compliance report for the period of June to Nov. 19 received on 07-03-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec.19 to May 20 received on 12-10-20. Compliance report for the period of June to Nov. 20 received on 19-02-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20 to May 21 received on 10-08-21. Compliance report for the period of June to Nov. 21 received by email on 23-05-22.
180 180/2008 1(a) M/s Heeralal Rameshwar Prasad Jailwara, Satna M.P. Ochre, fireclay, bauxite and laterite mine 13.44 ha. at village Naugawan Teh-Raghuraj nagar, Satna M.P. 08-08-08 11-08-08
EC issued letter no. 120-121 dtd 24-04-12 Compliance report for the period of June 13, Dec. 13, June 14, Dec. 14, June 15, Dec. 15, June 16, Dec. 16, June 17, Dec. 17, June 18, Dec. 18, June 19 received on 14-10-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 22-06-20. Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 22-10-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20, June 21 received on 06-09-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on 12-12-21.
181 181/2008 1(a) Sangeeta minerals 72, Aditya Avenue Building , Zone –II, M.P. Nagar,  Bhopal Bauxite, Laterite and clay mine 5.22 ha. at Vill-Rosra, Teh-Majholi, Distt-Jabalpur 08-08-08 11-08-08

EC issued Letter no. 118-119/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26- 05-10

EC transfer in the name of M/s Shree Anand Khanij Udyog granted in in 469 SEIAA meeting dated 16-02-18. EC transfer in the name of M/s Shree Anand Khanij Udyog issued vide letter no. 1814-15/SEIAA/18 dated 01-03-18.

Compliance report for the period of June 18, Dec. 18, June 19 received on 26-11-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 07-12-19. Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 21-12-20. Certificate of compliance received from MoEF&CC on 25- 02-21. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 11-08-21.
182 182/2008 1(a) R K Mineral corporation Rakesh Kumar Jain Nai Basti, Katni- M.P. Limestone & clay mine 40 ha. at village Kandari, Teh-Banda, Distt-Sagar M.P.> 08-08-08 11-08-08
Rejected by Letter no. 164/epco/seiaa dt. 03-10-08  
183 183/2008 1(a) R K Mineral corporation Rakesh Kumar Jain Nai Basti, Katni- M.P. Lime stone & clay mine 15.04 ha. at vill-Hinotapatkui, Teh- Banda, Distt-Sagar M.P. 08-08-08 11-08-08
Rejected by Letter no. 170/epco/seiaa dt. 03-10-08  
184 184/2008 1(a) Ghanshyam Das Mahawar 95 Cantt.Sadar, Jabalpur Fireclay, Laterite & silica's and mine 8.00 vill-Pindari Teh-Dhimarkhera, Katni M.P. 08-08-08 11-08-08

Case delisted vide letter no. 3096-97/SEIAA/15 date 04-07-15. Case consider in 757 SEIAA meeting dated 18-11-22. Case delist continue vide letter no. 2190-91/SEIAA/22 dated 25-11-2022.

185 185/2008 1(a) Shri Vijay Gupta,
M/s V. S. Mineral and Co.
38-A, Daya Nagar, Jabalpur (M.P)
Limestone, Dolomite & Barytes mine 10.21 hact.5000 Mt per annum at Vill- Sejha Teh- Murwara Distt-Katni- M.P. 11-08-08 26-08-08

EC issued vide letter no. 1185- 86/SEIAA/13 date 11-07-13.

PP applied for expansion under case no. 3289/15 (now case close), again applied under case no. 5618/17.

Compliance report received on 24-05-19.
186 186/2008 1(a) M/s Shrijee minerals Jhanda Bazar, Sihora, Jabalpur Laterite, ochre & white clay mine 18.66 hact. at vill- Dundi Teh- Sihora Distt- Jabalpur M.P. 12-08-08 26-08-08
EC issued Letter no. 136-137/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26- 05-10 Compliance report received on 18-12-19.
187 187/2008 8(a) Ashim Gandhi Parsvnath SEZ Ltd 8th floor, Arunachal Building 19, Barakhamba Road New Delhi IT/ITes SEZ project at Lasudia parmar Teh- Sanwer Distt- Indore 3,09,788 sq.m built-up area about 30857 sq.m 12-08-08 26-08-08
Rejected by Letter no. 779-780/ epco/seiaa dt. 08/08/2012  
188 188/2008 1(a) Manganese ore ( India ) Ltd, Moil Bhawan  I A Katol Road , Nagpur , M H Kanki mining lease area for sand 10.156 hect. at Taluka-Waraseoni, Distt-Balaghat M.P. 21-08-08 26-08-08
EC issued letter no. 629-630 dtd 26-07-2012 Compliance report received by email on 10-07- 2019.
189 189/2008 1(a) Manganese ore ( India ) Ltd, Moil Bhawan I A Katol Road , Nagpur , M H Kanki mining lease area for sand 5.5 hect. at Taluka-Waraseoni Distt- Balaghat M.P. 21-08-08 26-08-08
EC issued letter no. 623-624 dtd 26-07-2012 Compliance report received by email on 10-07- 2019. Compliance report received by email on 02-06-20.
190 190/2008 1(a) Shri Sharda Prasad Jaiswal , C/o Kawsji ward, Vivekanand chowk, Katni M.P. Bauxite, Laterite & fireclay mine 5.901 Hact. Village- Mohla Teh- Sihora Distt-Jabalpur 22-08-08 26-08-08
EC Issued 127-128/mpseiaa/epco dt 27-05-11  
191 191/2008 1(a) Shri Krishna Kant Kothari 189, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Atirajpur Dolomite mine 6.790 hact. Vill- Bhordu Teh-0 Alirajpur Distt- Alirajpur 22-08-08 26-08-08
Rejected by Letter no. 255/epco/seiaa dt. 16/12/08  
192 192/2008 1(a) Nilesh Upadhyay S/o Shri Ramesh Chandra Upadhyay college road, Distt- Jhabua M.P. Lime stone mine 7.50 hect. at Vill- Kosdana Teh- Gandhewani Distt- Dhar M.P. 22-08-08 26-08-08

EC issued by letter no. 901- 902/EPCO/SEIAA dtd 03-01-12


Compliance report for the period October 2017 to March 2018 submitted by PP on 27-07-18. Compliance report for the period of June 19 received on 11-09-19.
193 193/2008 1(a) Shankar Lal Vishwakarma Jalpadevi Ward Gautam lane, Katni M.P. Laterite, Bauxite & fire clay mine 8.00 hact. Vill-Padwar, Teh- Bahoriband, Distt-Katni M.P.   22-08-08 26-08-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1268-69/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
194 194/2008 8(a) Crown Technobuild (P) Ltd, Crown Group of Companies B-1/D-1,Mohan Co-operativeIndustrial Estate, New Delhi . Crown mall construction project at NH-12, Bawariakalan, Bhopal     01-09-08 08-09-08
Rejected by Letter no. 251/epco/seiaa dt. 16/12/08  
195 195/2008 1(a) M/S Raja minerals Near Nadi,Shahgarh,Sagar Soapstone mine 5.65 hect. at Vill-Harsai Teh-Banda Distt-Sagar 02-09-08 08-09-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1264-65/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
196 196/2008 1(a) S N Sunderson Co. 1-Deshbandhu Gupta Road Post Box No5713 New Delhi . Badari limestone & Dolomine 5.04 hect. at village –Badari Teh-Vijayraghogarh Distt-Katni 03-09-08 08-09-08

EC issued Letter no. 132-133/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26-05-10


Compliance report for the period of June 2013 to December 2017 received on 29- 11-18. Compliance report for the period of December 2018, June 2019 received on 24-07-19. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19 received on 07-11-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 25- 06-20. Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 12-11-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20, June 21 received on 20-09-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on dated 27-04-22.
197 197/2008 7(i) Shri G.C Jain, Vice President (works) HJJ Prop. GMM Co. Ltd P.O. Amlai Mills, Distt-Anuppur Captive secure landfill for Brine sludge Anuppur -08-09-08 22-09-08
Dlisted by no. 305/epco/seiaa/09 dtd. 06-02-09  
198 198/2008 8(a) M/s Vian Infrastructure (P) Ltd, DCM Building Barakhamba Road New Delhi VIAXI Hills Township project at Nihalpur Mandi, Indore   Transfer from MoEF 10-09-08 22-09-09
Rejected by Letter no. 236/epco/seiaa dt. 15/12/08  
199 199/2008 1(a) Shri Pawan minerals Prop.Shri Balkrishna Soni Neemuch M.P. Laterite mine 10 ha. at Ratangarh, Neemuh M.P. 17-09-08 25-09-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1288-89/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
200 200/2008 1(a) Vindhyachal minerals Dhamna Chhatarpur M.P. Mines 11.54 ha. at Navagaon Lakheri Teh- Rajnagar- Chhatarpur M.P. 19-09-08 25-09-08
The case discussed in 141 SEIAA meeting. Letter sent to MS, MPPCB on 27-07-13 to take appropriate action & inform. Case discussed in 150 SEIAA meeting. The PP should apply afresh for prior EC. Case was discussed in 158 SEIAA meeting. The application of PP regarding review the decision of 150th SEIAA meeting has been rejected.  
201 201/2008 1(a) M/s Rajas marbles 1024 Bai ka Bagicha, Gali No-1, Chamapur- Jabalpur M.P. Ghuthei Marble mine 5.63 ha. at Ghuthei Teh- Majholi, Jabalpur M.P. 23-09-08 25-09-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1280-81/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13 Letter sent to PP on 13-09-13.  
202 202/2008 1(a) M/s Shiv Shakti Trading Co. Padwar, Bahoriband, Katni M.P. Bauxite, laterite and clay mine 7.46 ha. at Padwar, Bahuriband, Katni M.P. 23-09-08 25-09-08
EC issued by letter no. 907-908/EPCO/SEIAA dtd 03-01-12  
203 203/2008 1(a) M/s Dolphin marbles Pvt. Ltd New Bus stand, Katni M.P Marble mine 6.02 ha. at Kachhargaon, Teh-Bahuriband, Katni M.P. 23-09-08 25-09-08
EC issued 667668/epco-seiaa/11 dtd. 28-10-11 Ammended EC letter 957 /EPCOSEIAA/ 12Date: 23.01.2012  
204 204/2008 1(a) M/s Shubhangi Amol Nagpur 206/12, Civil lines GPO, Square Nagpur (M S) Manganese mine 21.935 hect. at Bhilapur Teh-Sausar Chhindwara-M.P. 23-09-08 25-09-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1304-05/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
205 205/2008 1(a) Dilip Nagori Nagori House 63, Manoramaganj Indore Limestone mine 5.564 hect. at Vill- Bagh, Teh-Kuksha Distt- Dhar 25-09-08 25-09-08 156/EPCO/SEIAA Case closed vide letter no. 1266-67/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
206 206/2008 1(a) Mahesh Chaurasia Jila Khamij Sahkanita Sangh Maryadit , Chawdi Bazar near power, Jasoos Mahal,Gwalior Quarry lease 9.70 hect. at Jakhoda Distt-Gwalior 25-09-08 25-09-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1333-34/SEIAA/13 date 29-07-13  
207 207/2008 1(a) Munshi Adiwashi Lodoopura Knanij Kamgar marigaro Ki Sahkarita Maryadit, Jakhodo Gwalior Quarry lease 10 hect. at JakhodaDistt-Gwalior 25-09-08 29-09-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1260-61/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
208 208/20081(a) Shri Ramjan Bahi Basti Road Khirhani phatak, Katni Fire clay Laterite, red oxide and red ore mine 6.00 hect. at village \---- Teh- Barwara, Distt- Katni M.P. 25-09-08 29-09-08
Rejected by Letter no. 207-208/ epco/seiaa dt. 13/08/09  
209 209/20088(a) Crown Technobuild (P) Ltd, Crown Group of Companies B-1/D-1, Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate, New Delhi . Crown mall construction project at NH-12, Near Bawariakalan, Bhopal 26-09-08 29-09-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1250-51/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
210 210/2008 1(a) Smt Navakumari Saha C/o Shri B K Bhargava Bhargava house Nai Basti, Katni M.P. Kachgavan limestone mine 16.59 hect. At vill-kachgavan Talluka-Murwara Distt-Katni-M.P. 27-09-08 04-10-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1286-87/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
211 211/2008 1(a) Smt Mamta Bhargava Bhargava house Nai Basti, Katni-M.P. Gatakhera laterite mine 15.50 hect. At vill-Gatakhera,Talluka Murwara Distt-Katni 27-09-08 04-10-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1278-79/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
212 212/2008 1(a) Shri Puspendra Singh Hazani Hazani ward P.O. Hatta Distt-Damoh- M.P. Limestone mines 5.66 hect. At village PunjiHatta Distt-Damoh 29-09-08 04-10-08
EC issued Letter no. 166-167/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 07-06-11 Complaince report received on 27-07-19.
213 213/2008 1(a) Smt Ratna Sing C/o Shri Sudhir Singh Tomar Krishna Nagar, Satna M.P. Limestone mine 17.408 hect. At vill- Abmer, Teh-Rampur Baghelan Distt-Satna M.P. 01-10-08 04-10-08
EC issued vide letter no. 1357-58/SEIAA/12 date 03-11-12  
214 214/2008 1(a) Shri Farid Ahmed M/s Maa Reva Traders Pvt Ltd Aditya Avenue Building zone-II M.P. Nagar, Bhopal Calcite mine 7.004 hect. At Vill-Kakkadwal, The- Alirajpur Distt-Jhabua M.P. 01-10-08 04-10-08
Case delisted decided in 234th SEIAA meeting dated 07.09.15.  
215 215/2008 1(a) M/s Guru Kripa Stone cutting mines & mineral industries, in front of Shabd Pratap Asharam Rampuri colony Behind Rajashtan Emporium Gwalior M.P. Quarry lease deed 7.967 hect. At village Badagaon, Gwalior M.P. 03-10-08 13-10-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1274-75/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
216 216/2008 1(a) Shri R S Gupta 97, Chandrashekar Azad marg Alirajpur, Jhabua M.P. Dolomite mine 8.069 at village Kund Teh- Alirajpur Distt-Jhabua M.P. 04-10-08 13-10-08
EC issued 478-479/epco-seiaa dt02-02-2010  
217 217/2008 8(a) H K Kalchuri Education Trust31, Shamla Hills, Bhopal M.P. Hospitalcomplex with teaching hospital, medical college dental college & nursing college and allied services at Banjari Block Fandakala, Kolar road, Bhopal10.61 hect. 06-10-08 13-10-08 182/EPCO/SEIAA EC issued 471-472/epco-seiaa dt02-02-2010  
218 218/2008 1(a) Shri Ravu Kumar Grover Prop M/s Lalaji K C & Sons Rest house No.1, Road Civil line Katni M.P. Limestone & Dolomite mine 13.90 hect. At Village Ametha The- Vijayraghogarh, Katni M.P. 06-10-08 13-10-08

EC letter issued no. 1039-40/SEIAA/12 dt. 20-09-12.

Query in 612 SEIAA meeting dated 20-05-20. Letter no. 376/SEIAA/20 dated 30-05-20 to PP - request to please submit the information at the earliest. EC validity extended upto lease period i.e. 09-10-2026 in 615 SEIAA meeting dated 08-06-20. EC validity extended vide letter no. 894-95/SEIAA/20 dated 15-06-20.

219 219/2008 1(a) Shri Sharad Kumar Bansal Jaitwara Satna M.P. Ochre & Laterite mine 11.655 hect at vill- Batahra Teh- Majhgawan, Satna M.P. 06-10-08 13-10-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1258-59/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
220 220/2008 1(a) Shri Sharad Kumar Bansal Jaitwara Satna M.P. Ochre & Laterite mine 34.168 hect. At vill-Pipartola Taluka- Majhgawan- Satna M.P. 06-10-08 13-10-08 182/EPCO/SEIAA EC Issued letter no. 400-401 dtd 21-06-12 Compliance report for the period of June 13, Dec. 13, June 14, Dec. 14, June 15, Dec. 15, June 16, Dec. 16, June 17, Dec. 17, June 18, Dec. 18, June 19 received on 23-11-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 25-06-20. Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 04-11-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20, June 21 received on 06-09-21.
221 221/2008 1(a) The Maihar Stone & Lime Co. P Ltd , Station Road Maihar, Satna M.P. Lime stone & Dolomite nube 6.062 hect. At Bhatoora Teh- Maihar, Satna M.P. 06-10-08    13-10-08 182/EPCO/SEIAA EC Issued letter no. 236-237 dtd22-07-10 Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 18, Jan. to June 19 received on 16-08-19.
222 222/20081(d) Jain Energy Ltd 5th Floor, Premlata, 39, Shakespeare Sarani, Kotkata- 700 001 10 MW Biomas based power project at village Sanver Teh- Sonkachh Distt- Dewas M.P. 13-10-08 20-10-08
Case exempted. Letter sent to PP vide letter no. 218-219 dtd 12-07-10  
223 223/2008 1(d) Jain Energy Ltd 5th Floor, Premlata, 39, Shakespeare Sarani, Kotkata- 700 001 10 MW Biomas based power project at village – Sonkachh,
Teh- Sehore, Distt- Sehore- M.P.
13-10-08 20-10-08
Case exempted vide letter no. 212-213 dtd.12-07-10. Ammendedletter sent on 30-07-10.  
224 224/20081(a) M/s A.V. Mines (P) Ltd DF-12-14, Scheme No. 74-C, Opp- Lifecare Hospital , Vijay Nagar Indore Amaliamal Manganese core Deposit 6.390 hect. At Vill-Amaliamal, The. Meghnagar, Distt-Jhabua- M.P. 13-10-08 20-10-08
EC Issued 89-90/epco-seiaa dt. 26-06-09  
225 225/2008 1(a) Alcon Laboratory & Industries ( India ) D1 – 113/114, Sector-5, Devendra Nagar, Raipur (C.G) Chaparwaha Dolomite & Limestone mine 19.716 Village- Chaparwaha, The.- Murwara Distt-Katni 15-10-08 20-10-08
EC issuedletter no. 370-371/epco/mpseiaa dt 16-12-09  
226 226/2008 1(a) M/s R.K. Minerals Corporation Sawarkar Ward Nai Basti Katni M.P. Limestone & clay mine 40 hact. Village- Kandari, Teh- Kandari The- Banda, Distt- Sagar 17-10-08 23-10-08
EC Issued letter no. 238-239 dtd 22-07-10  
227 227/2008 1(a) M/s R K Minerals Corporation Sawarkar ward Nai Basti Katni M.P. Limestone& clay mine 15.04 hact. at village – Hinotapatkui Teh-Banda, Distt-Sagar M.P. 17-10-08 > 23-10-08
EC Issued letter no. 240-241 dtd 22-07-10  
228 228/2008 8(a) Wonderland Real Estate Pvt Ltd 6th Floor, Treasure Island - II, Tukoganj, Main Road , Indore M.P. Residential Township project at village Rangwasa, Indore 21-10-08 23-10-08
EC Issued letter no. 675-676 dtd 02-11-11 Compliance report for the period of Oct. 2015 to March 2016 received on 01-06-16. Compliance report received on 24-12-20. Compliance report received on 16-07-21.
229 229/2008 8(b) M/s Twenty first century Developers Pvt Ltd 6th Floor, Treasure Island - II, Tukoganj, Main Road , Indore M.P. Residential Township project at village Bijalpur, Indore- M.P. 21-101-08 23-10-08
Case was discussed in 160th SEIAA meeting and letter sent to Principal Secretary, Urban Development & Environment Dept. to initiate credible action. The details of action taken should be made available to the Authority by 15.12.2014. Copy to MS, MPPCB and PP. Letter sent to Director (S), MoEF, Bhopal on 07.11.14 and inform that the credible action is to be initiated as per MoEF & CC, GoI OM and prior EC has not been issued to the proposed project by MPSEIAA. The case was discussed in 211th SEIAA meeting. Letter with technical file sent to MS, SEAC on 04.07.15 to visit the site and submit the report by 30.07.15. Copy to PP. Reminder letter send to MS, SEAC for submitting the inspection report of the construction at site decided in 274th SEIAA meeting dated 23-12-15. Site Visit conducted Inspection Report discussed in 277 SEAC Meeting dt. 31/05/16. Case is in abeyance in 345 SEIAA meeting dated 25-06-16. It was decided in the 352 SEIAA meeting dated 08-07-16 that till date the final notification has been issued by MoEF & CC and therefore case will continue to be kept in abeyance. Case closed in 417 SEIAA meeting dated 20-03-17. Case closed vide letter no. 5775-76/SEIAA/17 dated 31-03-17.  
230 230/2008 8(a) M/s Indore Entertainment World Pvt Ltd, 6th Floor, Treasure Island - II, Tukoganj, Main Road , Indore M.P. Residential Township project at Kanadia, Indore- M.P. 21-10-08 23-10-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1252-53/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
231 231/2008 1(a) Smt Ratna Mishra C/o- M/s CIMMCO Gulab Rai Building , Opp-Nagar Nigam Office Katni- M.P. Limestone mine 5-89 hact. 5000 TPA at Rajawara, Teh- Vijay Raghogarh, Katni- M.P 31-10-08 06-11-0
EC issued 316-317/epco-seiaa dt12-08-2010  
232 232/2008 1(a) M/s Ismail & Sons C/o M/s CIMMCO Gulab Rai Building , Opp-Nagar Nigam Office Katni- M.P. Limstone mine 7-357 hact. 15000 TPA at Vill-Bistara, Teh- Vijay Raghogarh, Katni- M.P 31-10-08 06-11-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1335-36/SEIAA/13 date 29-07-13  
233 233/2008 1(a) Attomey-Motitlal Jain Kamal Narayan Agrawal 188,Rizwanbagh, Lalgahti,Bhopal –M.P. Red ochre & Laterite Deposit mine 13.79 hact. at Village Motigarh, Teh-Bijawar, Distt-Chhatarpur- M.P. 31-10-08 06-11-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1270-71/SEIAA/13 date 27-07-13  
234 234/2008 1(a) Shri Jyoti minerals inudstires Kamal Kumar Bagodia Station Road, Katni M.P. Limestone, Dolomite stone laterite mine 6.00 ha. At village ritual, Teh-Bahoriband 10-11-08 20-11-08
Rejected by Letter no. 194-195/ epco/seiaa dt. 12/08/09  
235 235/2008 1(a) Shri Rajeev Chadha Opp-G S CollegeCivil lines, Jabalpur M.P Laterite yellow ochre, iron ore blue dust mine 7.310 ha. At Village Gandhigram, Teh- Sihora, Jabalpur 14-11-08 20-11-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 157-158/epco/seiaa dt. 27-07-09 Compliance report received on 12-07-19.
236 236/2008 1(a) Smt Vandana Modi W/o Shri Abhay Modi Bara Bazar, Shahgarh, Teh-Banda- Sagar M.P. Iron ore & dolomite mines 11.82 ha. At Tigoda, Banda Sagar M.P. 17-11-08 20-11-08
E.C. issued Letter No. 49-50/epco/ seiaa dt. 28/04/10  
237 237/2008 1(a) Jaipuria Leo Software & Systems Pvt Ltd, Plot No. F-4(A) MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna Road , Nagpur (M H) Manganese ore mines 6-159 ha. At Jarah,Mohgaon Teh-Katangi Distt- Balaghat-M.P. 17-11-08 20-11-08

EC issued letter no. 1678-79/SEIAA/12 dated 10-12-2012


Compliance report received for the period of July - Dec. 15, Jan - June 16, July - Dec. 16 on 24-07-17. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 19, July to Dec. 18, Jan. to June 18, July to Dec. 17, Jan. to June 17 received on 07-08-19. Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 19, Jan. to June 20 received on 02-09-20.
238 238/2008 2(a) Birla Corporation Ltd Cement Division P.O Birla Vikas, Satna M.P. Coal Washery plant of capacity 0.96 MTPA, Raghuraj Nagar, Satna M.P. 19-11-08 20-11-08
EC Issued 384-385/epco- seiaa dt 27-04-09 PP has submitted compliance report in MoEF&CC on 28-06-19. Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 19 received on 28-01-20. Compliance report for the period of January to June 2020 received on 25-07-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20 received on 01-01-21. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 27-07-21. Compliance report for the perido of April to Sept. 21 received on 30-11-21. Compliance report for the period of Oct. 21 to March 22 received by email on dated 16-07-22. Compliance report for the period of April to Sept. 22 received by email on dated 27-10-22.
239 239/2008 1(d) A.Jain, Director, Rajshree power & Ispat Pvt Ltd. 201, second floor Lal Ganga,Shopping Mall G E Road, Raipur (SG) 10, MW Biomass based power project at Vi- Choma Teh- Agar Distt-Shajapur M.P. 29-11-08 05-12-08
Rejected by Letter No. 306-307dt. 5/11/09  
240 240/2008 1(a) Smt N D Upadhyaya Post-Tirod Distt-Balaghat Jain Manganese Ore mines of M/s Chimanlal Rawal 9.09 hect. At Vill Jam The- Katang, Distt- Balaghat M.P. 29-11-08 05-12-08
EC issued 36-37/epco-seiaa dt 07-05-09  
241 241/2008 1(a) Shri Shantilal Singhvi, Director M/s Vinayak Natural Stone Pvt Ltd, Udaypur Marblemine 42.515 hect. at near village- Dinarikhamaria Teh- Majholi, Distt-Jabalpur M,P, 01-12-08 05-12-08
Amended EC issued Letter No.1021/EPCO/SEIAA dt 11-09-12 EC issued Letter No.73/epco/seiaa dt 03-05-11  
242 242/2008 1(a) M/s Om Prakash Bhadrathia stone mine Gwalior , M.P. Stone mine 8.00 ha. At village-Chandpara,Distt-Gwalior M.P. 04-12-08 11-12-08

EC issued 412-413/epco- seiaa dt 24-08-2011

PP applied for expansion under case no. 5692/18.

Compliance report received on 23-08-2018.
243 243/2008 1(a) M/s Emral stone Industries Gwalior- M.P. Stone mining lease 9.00 ha. At Chandpara Distt-Gwalior M.P. 04-12-08 11-12-08
EC issued by letter no. 187-188 dtd 5/5/12 Compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 18, July to Dec. 18, Jan. to June 19 received on 06-08-19.
244 244/2008 1(a) M/s Komesh stone company Rajiyar (Dabra) Gwalior- M.P. Stone mine 15.00 ha. At Village Pajiyar Gwalior- M.P. 04-12-08 11-12-08
Case closed vide letter no. 1244-45/SEIAA/13 date 26-07-13  
245 245/2008 1(a) M/s Rakesh stone crusher Kotwal, Morena, Gwalior M.P. Stone m,ine 23.89 ha. At village Kotwal Teh- Morena, Distt-Gwalior M.P. 04-12-08 11-12-08

EC issued Letter no. 138-139/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 26-05-10. Query to PP on 11-12-12 regarding modification in EC.

246 246/2008 1(a) M/s Ajesh Kumar JainJabalpur M.P. Laterite Ochre & Clay mine 5 ha. Village (Darshi), Teh-Sihora, Distt- Jabalpur M.P 10-12-08 11-12-08
EC issued by letter no. 893-894/EPCO/SEIAAdtd 03-01-12 Six monthly compliance report for the period of Jan. to June 18, July to Dec.18 received on 31-07-19.
247 247/2008 1(a) M/s J P Marbles H I G Housing Board Colony P O Kanti Marble mine 10-520 ha. At Khadra Teh-Bahoriband, Distt- Katni 10-12-08 17-12-08
EC issued 254-255/epco-seiaa dt 26-09-09 Compliance report received on 19-03-20.
248 248/2008 3(b)

Shri Rajesh Bansa , Partner, M/s PIONEER INDUSTRIES, 601-A, AIREN HEIGHTS, PU-3, SCHEME NO. 54, A. B. ROAD, INDORE (M.P.) - 452010 (Formerly Satguru Cement Pvt Ltd 102, Golden Tower 94/47, Sneh Nagar, Main Road , Indore-M.P.)

Mini cement plant 30,000 TPA to 95,000 TPA at village- Ghursal,Jeerabad, Teh-Gandwani, Distt- Dhar M.P. [ECT-466827] 11-12-08 17-12-08
EC issued 290-291/epco-seiaa dt 09-08-10. Case deferred for next meeting in 863A SEIAA meeting dated 10-06-2024. EC Transfer recommended in 863B SEIAA meeting dated 10-06-2024. EC transferred vide letter no. 1508-09 dated 24-06-24.  
249 249/2008 3(b) ABU Industries Ltd 6, Jaora compound,Near Bharat Gas, Indore – M.P. MiniCement Plant from 9000 TPA to 39,000 TPA industrial area, Labad, Distt-Dhar M.P. 11-12-08 17-12-08
EC issued letter no. 149-150/epco/mpseiaa dt 1-6-10  
250 250/2008 1(a) Ram Bhawan SehgalRewa Road , Maihar,Satna -M.P Lime stone mine 9.008 ha. at village Batia ,Teh-Maihar, Satna- M.P. 15-12-08 17-12-08

EC issued letter no.372- 373/epco/mpseiaa dt 16-12-09

PP invited for clarification decided in 499 SEIAA meeting dated 13-08-2018. Letter no. 1331/SEIAA/18 dated 29-08-18 to PP - invited for clarification. Query in 566 SEIAA meeting dated 21-08-19. EC transfer in favour of M/s KJS Cement Ltd, Rajnagar, Rewa Road, Maihar, Dist. Satna in 575 SEIAA meeting dated 10-10-19. EC transfer in favour of M/s KJS Cement Ltd, Rajnagar, Rewa Road, Maihar, Dist. Satna vide letter no. 3011-12/SEIAA/19 dated 06-11-19.

Compliance report for the period of January to June 2018 received on 10- 08-18. Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 2019 received on 14-02-20. Compliance report for the period of Nov. 19 to April 20 received on 30-06-20. Compliance report for the period of May to Nov. 20 received on 18-01-21. Compliance report for the period of June 21 received on 03-08-21. Compliance report for the period of June 22 received by email on dated 03-09-22.
251 251/2008 1(a) Balasore Alloys Ltd Balgopalpur,Balasore Orissa Jarah-Motigaon Manganese ore mines 11.766 ha. village Jarah, Mohgaon Teh- Katgangi, Distt-Balaghat M.P 15-12-08 17-12-08
EC Issued via 1266- 67/epco/seiaa dt.07/03/12 PP informed on dated 22-07-19 that project has not been started yet due to techno- commercial reasons. After commencement of mining operations all the reports will be sent to respective authority at regular basis.
252 252/2008 1(a) Vinod Kumar Gupta Gupta Sadan Lakhera Vivekanand Ward Katni M.P. Dolomite/Marble Deposit mine 14.39 ha.At vill- Kachhargaon Teh-Bahoriband, Katni- M.P 15-12-08 17-12-08
EC issued letter no. 374-375/epco/mpseiaa dt 16-12-09 EC Transfer rejected in 853 SEIAA meeting dated 22-05-2024.  
253 253/2008 1(a) Hukumchand stone lime Co.Nai Basti, Katni – M.P. Limie stone mine 10-56 ha. At Village-Bhatonra, Teh- MaiharSata M.P. 15-12-08 17-12-08
Rejected by Letter No. 39-40 dt.
Again rejected by letter no. 339 dtd 27-08-10
254 254/2008 1(a) Maqbool Hussain Stone Slab supply Co. Model ground, Hamidia Road Bhopal M.P. Kanpohra flag stone quarry 44-256 hect. village- KanpohraTeh.Riasen, Distt- Raisen M.P. 16-12-08 06-01-09
EC Issued by Letter No. 96-97 dt. 19/05/10  
255 255/2009 1(a) Shri Jagdish Dhaneria 119/1 Kumawatpura, Juni-Indore M.P. Bauxite laterite & clay deposit,9-71 hect. at village Chitti, Jagir, Teh-Sirmour,Distt-Rewa-M.P. 03-01-09 06-01-09
EC issued Letter no. 682-683/epco/seiaa/dtd. 04-04-11 Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20 received on 24-06-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email on dated 23-12-21.
256 256/2009 1(a) Shri Pooranmal Anjana Soniyana Laterite mine 10.00 ha. Survey No 12/1 Neemuch – M.P. Red ochre mine 10.00 has survey No 12/1 is Soniyana, Teh & Distt.Neemuch-M.P. 13-01-09 19-01-09

Rejected by letter no.108-109/epco/seiaa dt. 19-05-10

PP asked for fresh apply for EC in 381 SEIAA meeting dated 04-11-16. Letter no. 4732/SEIAA/16 dated 13-12-16 to PP regarding apply online on MoEF&CC website for Prior EC.

257 257/20091(a) Shri Shreelal Anjana Neemuch-M.P.Received from MoEF Soniyana Laterite mine10-ha, suvery No.12/1Village- Soniyana, Teh-&Distt-Neemuch 13-01-09 19-01-09

Rejected by letter no.100-101/epco/seiaa dt. 19-05-10

PP asked for fresh apply for EC in 381 SEIAA meeting dated 04-11-16 Letter no. 4731/SEIAA/16 dated 13-12-16 to PP regarding apply online on MoEF&CC website for Prior EC.

258 258/20091(a) Vinod Traders R.L. House Behind New Busstand Industrial Area, Dhamtari C.G. Open cost manganese mine Paunia 9.105 ha. Village-Paunia Teh- Katangi,Distt- Balaghat-M.P. 22-01-09 31-01-09
EC issued vide letter no. 1352/SEIAA/12 date 02- 11-12 Compliance report received on 03-09-19.
259 259/2009 1(d) Mr V Subramanyam, Director Seshasaila Power & EngineeringPvt Ltd,K-21, Saikripa Green Land Vishal Nagar, Near Telibandha JunctionRaipur C.G. 10 MW Biomass based power plant at Village –Bakaner The- Manawer- Distt-Dhar M.P. 28-01-09 31-01-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1235-36/SEIAA/12 dtd. 04-10-12.  
260 260/20091(d) Mr V.Subramanayan, Director Seshasaila Power and Engineering Pvt Ltd,Raipur-M.P. 10 MW Biomass based power plant at Garoth, Teh-Garoth, Distt-Maundsaur-M.P. 28-01-09 31-01-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1188-89/SEIAA/12 dtd. 28-09-12.  
261 261/2009 1(d) Mrs Rakhi Mishra IswariSehkari Shakkar Evam Mrishi Maryadit , Khandwa-M.P. 10 MW Biomass based power project at village VishrampurThe-Khandwa,Distt- Khandwa 28-01-09 31-01-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1184-85/SEIAA/12 dtd. 28-09-12.  
262 262/2009 1(a) M/s Krishna Marbles HIG- 1Housing Board Colony Katni- M.P. Marble mine 11.18 ha. At Village Niwas,Taluka-BahoribandDistt-Katni-M.P. 04-02-09 13-02-09
EC issued letter No. 358-359 dt27-01-10 Compliance report received on 19-03-20.
263 263/2009 5(f) Jai Ambe Dyes & Inetermediate Plot No.95-A (AKVN) Industrial areaMeghnagar,Jhabua-M.P. SSI for 10MT per month production of Hydrozoa benzene and 2 Benzidine Disulphomic acid at Industrial area Meghnagar,Distt-Jhabua M.P. 06-02-09 13-02-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1368-69/SEIAA/13 date 02-08-13  
264 264/2009 1(a) Arvind Pratar Singh Behind Hanuman Toria Chhatarpur M.P. Pyrophyllite & Diaspore mine 6.60-- hact. At village NandgaikalaTeh- ChhatarpurDistt-Chhatarpur-M.P. 10-02-09 13-02-09
EC Issued letter no. 914-915 dtd. 28-08-2012  
265 265/20091(a)

Pacific Exports 12, Dunne market JBP Road Bargawan, Katni- M.P.

New Address :

M/s Pacific Exports, 4, Anand Vihar Coloney, Madan Mohan Choubey Ward, Dist. Katni, MP - 483501, Email - pacificexports[dot]iron[at] gmail[dot]com, Mobile - 9425156803, 9425807603

Jhiti Iron ore, Blue dust and laterite mine 27.05 ha at village Jhiti Teh-Sihora,Distt- Jabalpur-M.P. 13-02-0

EC Issued letter no. 195 dt.16.06.2011

New case no. 636.


Compliance report for the period of January - June 2017 received on 16-08-17. Compliance report for the period of January - June and July to December 2018 received by email on 16-07-19. Compliance report for the period of Jan. to March 21 received on 06-03- 21. Compliance report for the period of July to Sept. 21 received on 21-09- 21.
266 266/20091(a) M/s Aruna Devi Bajaj Teh- Bahoriband, Distt-Katni-M.P. Laterite, Bauxite & fire clay mine 27.68 hect. at village –Padwar, Teh-Bahoriband, Distt-Katni-M.P. 18-02-09 20-02-09
Case delisted vide letter no. 6141-42/SEIAA/15 date 09.10.15.  
267 267/2009 1(a) M/s ShriP.C. Sharma HIG-9, Housing Board Colony,Katni-M.P. Bauxite& ochre mine 16.187 hect. at Village- Amoch, Teh- Bahoriband, Distt-Katni-M.P 18-02-09 20-02-09

EC issued Letter no. 690-691/epco/seiaa/dtd. 04-04-11 .

Letter no. 3816/SEIAA/16 dated 30-09-16 alonwith District Survey Report to SEAC.

268 268/2009 1(a) M/s Intezar Hussain Mohalla, Bari Imli -P.O Nawagawan sada, Distt-J.P.Nagar (U.P.) Laterite, iron ore manganese & clay mine 6.44 hect. at DevnagarTeh-Sihora,Distt-Jabalpur-M.P. 18-02-09 20-02-09
EC Issued vide letter no. 1775-76/SEIAA/12 dtd. 20-12-2012. Case rejected vide letter no. 1111-12 dated 03-05-2024. Compliance report for the period of July to Dec. 18, Jan. to June 19 received on 29-07-19.
269 269/20091(a) Smt Rekha Sharma192,Second Floor, Rachna Nagar Bhopal Laterite red ochre and clay mine 6.83 hact. at village-Salebhar,Teh-Bahoriband,Distt-Katni M.P. 27-02-09 09-03-09
Rejectedby Letter no. 188-189/ epco/seiaa dt. 12/08/09  
270 270/2009 1(a) Shri Ganesh Acid Chemical (P) Ltd Ward No.-1, Mishra Nagar Waraseoni Distt-Balaghat (M.P.) Katanghari manganese deposit 6.229 hact. at village Katanghari Teh- Lalburra, Distt-Balaghat-M.P. 03-03-09 09-03-09 345/EPCO/SEIAA Case closed in 324th SEIAA meeting dated 26-04-16.  
271 271/20091(a) ShriGanesh acid Chemical (P) LtdWard Waraseoni,Distt- Balaghat-M.P. Borikheda manganese deposit 5.977 hact. at village Borikehda Teh- Katangi,Distt-Balaghat-M.P 03-03-09 09-03-09
EC issued vide letter no. 1773-74/SEIAA/12 dtd. 20-12-2012  
272 272/2009 1(a) Rakesh Bansal, Om NiwasRamkrishnaganj, Behind Mandi gate Khandwa-M.P. Deshgaon Basalt metal stone quarry 19800 cum per annum 18.84 hact. at village Deshgaon Teh- Khandwa,Distt- Nimar –M.P. 06-03-09 09-03-09

EC issued by letter no. 183-184dtd 5/5/12

PP invited to represent his case on 23-04-17 in 420 SEIAA meeting dated 06-04-17. Letter no. 218/SEIAA/17 dated 10-04-17 to PP to represent his case on 23-04-17 in SEIAA office, no. 217/SEIAA/17 dated 10-04-17 to Mining Officer, Khandwa and 216/SEIAA/17 dated 10-04-17 to Collector, Khandwa for comments. It has been decided to give proper reply as per the directives of the Hon'ble High Court on next hearing in 423 SEIAA meeting dated 24-04-17. Letter no. 341/SEIAA/17 dated 04-05-17 to PP informing decision of SEIAA meeting. SEAC site visit in 433 SEIAA meeting dated 23-05-17. Letter no. 554-55/SEIAA/17 dated 30-05-17 to SEAC for submitting recommendation in the matter latest by 10-06-17. EC revoked in 524 SEIAA meeting dated 24-02-19. EC revoked vide letter no. 2618-19/SEIAA/19 dated 13-03-19. Letter no. 2616- 17/SEIAA/19 dated 13-03-19 alongwith copy of compliant received in SEIAA office to Director, Geology & Mining - for necessary action.

273 273/2009 1(a) Naginchand Bansal Om Niwas, Ramkrishnaganj,Behind Mandi gateKhandwa- M.P. Basalt(Metal stone) mine 12206 cum/annum 10.470 hact. at Bhasingpur, Teh-Khandwa,Distt East Nimar M.P. 06-03-09 09-03-09
EC issued 427-428/epco-seiaa dt 27-08-2011  
274 274/20091(a) M/sKunjilal Iswari Prasad, Agarwal P OJaitwara,Satna M.P. Bauxite Ochre, white earthand laterite mine 45.892 ha. 75000 PA Village- Koldiha No.2,Teh- New Ramnagar, Satna-M.P 06-03-09 09-03-09
EC Issued letter no. 232-233 dtd22-07-10 Compliance report for the period of June 11, Dec. 11, June 12, Dec. 12, June 13, Dec. 13, June 14, Dec. 14, June 15, Dec. 15, June 16, Dec. 16, June 17, Dec. 17, June 18, Dec. 18, June 19 received on 11-09-19. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 19 received on 12-06-20. Compliance report for the period of June 20 received on 22-10-20. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 20, June 21 received on 06-09-21. Compliance report for the period of Dec. 21 received by email dated 11-12-2021.
275 275/2009 8(a) M/sTrcone projects India Pvt Ltd S- 2, IInd floor Mahatta Towers , Star city mall MayurVihar, Delhi Constructionof `Tricone city plotted Development project’ at Datoda Khandwa Road , Indore– M.P. 04-03-09 09-03-09
EC Issued 380-381/epco/mpseiaa dt18-12-09  
276 276/20093(a) Steel Authority of India Ltd Mr. S.K.Pradhan , G M (SPU) Room No-503 5th floor ISPAT Bhawan Bhilai steel plant, Bhilai-CG Steel processing unit Ujjain mIndustrial area at village Bandhka Teh- Ghatia, Ujjain M.P. 07-03-09 09-03-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1229-30/SEIAA/13 date 29-07-13  
277 277/20093(a) Steel Authority of India Ltd Mr S.K. Pradhan, G M  (SPU)Room No. 503, 5th floor Ispat Bhawan, Bhilai steel plantBhilai-CG Steel processing unit at DolariaHoshangabad-M.P. 07-03-09 09-03-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1427-28/SEIAA/13 date 05-08-13.  
278 278/20091(a) M.P. State Mining Corporation Ltd Paryawa Bhawan, Block No. 1, 2nd FloorJail Road, Bhopal Flag stone mine 24.93 Village- Tehta Distt- Shivpuri-M.P.87500 MT/ Annum 07-03-09 23-03-09
EC Issued letter no. 244-245 dtd 22-07-10  
279 279/20091(a) M.P. State Mining Corporation LtdParyawa Bhawan, Block No. 1, 2nd FloorJail Road, Bhopal Flag stone mine10.00 Village -LaharchaDistt- Shivpuri-M.P.28500 MT/ Annum 07-03-09 23-03-09
EC Issued letter no. 246-247 dtd
280 280/20091(a) M.P.State Mining Corporation Ltd Paryawa Bhawan, Block No. 1, 2nd Floor Jail Road, Bhopal Flag stone mine 10.00 Village- BhilariDistt-Shivpuri-M.P.23000 MTAnnum 07-03-09 23-03-09
EC Issued letter no. 242-243 dtd 22-07-10  
281 281/2009 1(d) Techno Electric and Engineering Co.Ltd 2F & 3F Park Plaza 71 Park Street, Kolkata Techno Electric & Engineering Co.Ltd For Rajgarh Bio- power Ltd atVillage-Pilukhedi Teh-Narsinghpur Distt-Rajgarh-M.P. 16-03-09 23-03-09
Rejected by Letter no.192-193/ epco/seiaa dt. 12/08/09  
282 282/20091(a) Rakesh yadav S/o Shri Ram Yadav60-M, Khotiwala Tank Indore- M.P. Stone mine 17.00 ha. at Nandgaon, TalatkoatDistt. Badwani- M.P. 20-03-09 08-04-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1409-10/SEIAA/13 date 03-08-13  
283 283/2009 8(a) M/s Shanti realty Pvt Ltd 3, Janki Nagar, Annex A.B.Road , Indore – M.P. Highrisemulti storied residential project of M./s Shanti Realty Pvt Ltd at VillageNipaniya, Indore – M.P Khasra No.45/1, 45/2, 45/3 & 47/1 23-03-09 08-04-09
EC issued 313-314/epco-seiaa dt12-08-2010  
284 284/2009 1(a) Rupendra Singh Rathod C/o Shri Nirbhay Singh Rathod Teh- Sarangpur,Rajgarh- M.P. Sandmining from the river Newaj survey No. 1 at Village- Mangola Teh-Sarangpur, Rajgarh – M.P. 25-03-09 08-04-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1423-24/SEIAA/13 date 03-08-13  
285 285/20091(a) Fortunes stones Ltd Opp. Agriculture office 1st floor, Vishwanath Road Chhatarpur M.P. Katahara Granite quarry 6.0 ha. 7000 Cu.m per annum at village-Katahara Teh-Laundi Distt- Chhatarpur-M.P. 01-04-09 08-04-09

EC issued letter no. 225-226 dtd 13-07-10

New Case No. 885.

286 286/20091(a) Fortunes stones Ltd Opp.Agriculture office1st floor, Vishwanath Road Chhatarpur M.P. Katahara Granite quarry 21.736 ha. 10000 Cu.m per annum atvillage-Katahara Teh-LaundiDistt-Chhatarpur-M.P. 01-04-09 08-04-09

EC Issued letter no. 248-249 dtd22-07-10

New Case No. 886.

287 287/20091(a) Rowell mining corporationRawal Building , plot no- 18, 190, Ramdaspath Nagpur- (M.H) Ranpeth Damani manganese ore mines 5.859 ha. 600 tonnes per annum at village RanpethDamani Teh- Sausar, Chhindwara _M.P. 02-04-09 08-04-09
EC issued Letter no.680-681/epco/seiaa/ dtd. 04- 04-11 Compliance report received on 06-08-19.
288 288/2009 1(a) M/s Ghai Enterprises Station RoadSatna M.P. Limestone mine 12.595 hect. at village-Kharaundi, Taluka-MaiharDistt-Satna- M.P. 08-04-09 29-04-09
EC issued letter no. 118-119 dtd24-04-12 Compliance report for the period of June 20, Dec. 20 received on 04-12-20.
289 289/20091(a) Shri Shravan Kumar PathakChayanakyapuri,Satna-M.P. Limestone mine 32.374 hect. At village Ramasthan,Taluka-Raghuraj Nagar, Stana –M.P. 08-04-09 29-04-09
EC Issued letter no. 234-235 dtd 22-07-10  
290 290/2009 7(f) National Highway Authority of India 128, 1st Floor, Brijeshwari ExtentionNear Pipliyahana square, Indore-M.P. 4/6, Laning of Gujrat M.P. border to Indore section of NH-59 09-04-09 29-04-09
Rejectedby Letter no. 196-197/ epco/seiaa dt. 12/08/09  
291 291/20091(a) ShriMarutaye Balaji Steels Pvt Ltd5,Bentinck street KolkataWestBengal Limestone mine 18.935 hect. production capacity 1,00,000 TPA at Village-Hadbadpur,Taluka Raghuraj Nagar,Distt-Satna-M.P. 21-04-09 29-04-09
EC issued letter no. 252-253 dtd26-07-10  
292 292/2009 1(a) Mahesh Prasad GuptaPost-Dhanwari Teh-Raghuraj NagarSatna–M.P. White clay mine 16.187 hect at village-Parasrampur,Teh-Maihar, Distt-Satna –M.P. 25-04-09 29-04-09
EC recommended in 213rd SEIAA meeting dated 25.06.15. Query raised in 244th SEIAA meeting dated 29-09-15.  
293 293/2009 1(a) Shri Kishor Kumar Bagadia Shree Kamal Line Industry Station Road Katni-M.P. Dolomite & Lime stone mine 41.39 hect. at village-Durghati-Pipariya Teh-Dhimerkheda,Distt-Katni-M.P. 25-04-09 29-04-09
EC issued vide letter no. 1219-20/SEIAA/12 dtd. 01-10-12. Compliance report received on 28-09- 21.
294 294/2009 1(a) K.C.Bagaria Sons Station Road Katni-M.P Lime stone & Dolomite deposit mine 7.52 hect. village-Ametha, Teh- Vijayraghogarh,Distt-Katni-M.P. 28-04-09 29-04-09

EC Issued letter no.592- 593/SEIAA-EPCO dtd 18-10-11


Six Monthly Compliance Report for the period of June 2014 to June 2018 received on 16-07-2018. Six Monthly Compliance Report for the period ending December 2018 received on 25-05-2018.
295 295/20091(a) Rajendra S/o Punam Chand ChouhanBakwadi, Distt-Barwani-M.P. Sand mine 8.215 hect. at Bhulgaon Teh-Vijayraghogarh, Distt-Katni-M.P. 28-04-09 29-04-09
Rejected by Letter No. 308-309dt. 5/11/09  
296 296/2009 1(d) Shri K L Bansal (CMD).Dee Development Engineers Pvt Ltd.1255,Sector, 14, FaridabadHaryana 12 MW Biomass based power plant at Sheopurkalan M.P. 28-04-09 04-05-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1176-77/SEIAA/12 dtd. 28-09-12.  
297 297/2009 1(d) Shri B V Reddy Director Betul Non-Conventional Energy Pvt LtdE-6/63, Arera colony Near Sibaba Hoarding, Bhopal-M.P 10 MW Biomass based power plant, Mandavi Near Sehra, Atner Road , Betul-M.P. 28-04-09 04-05-09
Exemption letter no. 210-211 dtd. 12-07-10  
298 298/2009 5(f) Bhopal Gelatines Pvt Ltd 189, Jinsi, Bhopal Capacity expansion of Food/Pharmaceutical Technical grade gelatine from 675 TPA to 1200 TPA at AKVN Industrial area, Pilukhedi Teh-Narsinghgarh,Distt-Rajgarh-M.P. 29-04-09 04-05-09
Rejected by Letter no. 190-191/ epco/seiaa dt. 12/08/09  
299 299/20091(a) M/s Murlidhar minerals Malegaon, Sausar Chhindwara-M.P. Malegaon dolomite mine 10.00 hect 20000 TPA at village- Malegaon Teh-Sousar, Distt-Chhindwara 01-05-09 04-05-09
EC issued letter no. 526-527/EPCO-SEIAA/2011 dtd. 1-10-11  
300 300/2009 1(a) The M.P. State Mining Corporation Ltd. H.No.12, Ward No.17 Sainath Colony, Minakshi Distt- Hoshangabad- M.P. Sand mine 15.490 hact. at Village- AnchalKehda, Distt-Hoshangabad 11-05-09 18-05-09
Case closed vide letter no. 1358-59/SEIAA/13 date 01-08-13  

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